Declassified report from the CIA's bombshell UFO dossier reveals the meeting where top military officials launched 16-year Project Blue Book study of 'flying saucers' in 1952 ", Stunning tale of brainwashing, the CIA and an unsuspecting Scots researcher, "Is Military Research Hazardous to Veterans Health? They also revealed that at least one subject, Frank Olson, had died after administration of LSD. Avro Canada VZ-9AV Avrocar at the National Museum of the United States Air Force. Substances which will enhance the ability of individuals to withstand privation, torture, and coercion during interrogation and so-called "brain-washing". National Public Radio (NPR), 9 Sept. 2019. In the event of a Russian invasion of Alaska, the FBI and U.S. Air Force had a plan: makeordinary, average Alaskans into federal agentlike spies that could report back to Washington and survive in hiding from the enemy. It's not that long, but it wants to be read in small slices because it's a lot of information to digest. Declassified documents related to NATO's stay-behind armies are accessible via The Black Vault, a website that makes declassified documents available to the public. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). On average, individual images covered a geographic area on the Earths surface of approximately 10120 miles. Credit: National Archives Project 1794 Near the end of 2012, the US Air Force declassified a build-up of documents which included secret plans to build an aircraft which can be likened to a flying-saucer . In another lawsuit, Wayne Ritchie, a former United States Marshal, after hearing about the project's existence in 1990, alleged the CIA laced his food or drink with LSD at a 1957 Christmas party which resulted in his attempting to commit a robbery at a bar and his subsequent arrest. CIA spokesman George Little said that he could not confirm if CIA computers were used to make the changes, claiming that "the agency always expects its computer systems to be used responsibly. In his book on the topic, Edward J. Ruppelt, Air Force Captain and director of Project Grudge, wrote: "[I]t doesn't take a great deal of study of the old UFO files to see that standard intelligence procedures were not being followed by Project Grudge. The mission of the secret armies was simple: Prepare for a potential communist takeover and lead an armed resistance should such a takeover occur. A declassified document from 1955 added that MK-Ultra sought to observe "materials which will cause the victim to age faster/slower in maturity" and "substances which will promote illogical . The report further suggested that Gottlieb was nonetheless due a reprimand, as he had failed to take into account Olson's already-diagnosed suicidal tendencies, which might have been exacerbated by the LSD. The program was codenamed Project Iceworm, but to test its feasibility, the Army launched a cover research project called "Camp Century" in 1960. Before it was called the CIA, it was. Project AERODYNAMIC (formerly CARTEL, ANDROGEN, AECARTHAGE), which operated 1949-1970 before being reclassified under Project named QRDYNAMIC in 1970 and finally QRDYNAMIC/QRPLUMB until 1991. A knockout pill which can be surreptitiously administered in drinks, food, cigarettes, as an aerosol, etc., which will be safe to use, provide a maximum of amnesia, and be suitable for use by agent types on an ad hoc basis. Here's How the CIA Used Me for Drug Experiments", "MKUltra: Inside the CIA's Cold War mind control experiments", "Harvard and the Making of the Unabomber", "Harvard's Experiment on the Unabomber, Class of '62", "Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA and the Secret History of the Sixties by Tom O'Neill with Dan Piepenbring", "7 Key Questions to Help You Understand Wormwood", Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control, "U.S. Congress: The Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, Foreign and Military Intelligence (Church Committee report), report no. [36] American historian Alfred W. McCoy has claimed that the CIA attempted to focus media attention on these sorts of "ridiculous" programs so that the public would not look at the research's primary goal, which was effective methods of interrogation. Several other proposals were included within Operation Northwoods, including real or simulated actions against various U.S. military and civilian targets. Cameron was also a member of the Nuremberg medical tribunal in 19461947. [63] U.S. Intelligence Chief Dennis Blair testified before the House Intelligence Committee on February 3, 2010, that the U.S. intelligence community is prepared to kill U.S. citizens if they threaten other Americans or the United States. [5], The Soviet Union also contributed greatly to the motivation for this project; according to CIA director Allen Dulles, fear of "Soviet brain perversion techniques" was palpable. The Obama administration threatened to veto the final version of a bill that included such a provision. Since 1995, the Agency has released over 30 million pages as a result of Executive Orders, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the Privacy Act, and mandatory declassification reviews. The first nuclear bomb was detonated at 5:30 a.m. on July 16, 1945, during the so-called Trinity test at the Alamogordo Air Base, 120 miles (193 km) south of Albuquerque, N.M. [30][31][32] However, the significance of human right does not fall into this case regarding whether Snowden received his fair trial or not. Its free. [18], Perhaps the most disruptive incident involving counterintelligence was James Jesus Angleton's search for a mole,[19] based on the statements of a Soviet defector, Anatoliy Golitsyn. Project 1794 was canceled in December 1961 after tests suggested the flying saucer design was aerodynamically unstable and would likely be uncontrollable at high speeds (let alone supersonic speeds). "[17], On December 30, 2009, a suicide attack occurred in the Forward Operating Base Chapman attack in the province of Khost, Afghanistan. It's free. CORONA: Americas first Satellite Program (PDF 18.43MB) During its operational life, CORONA collected over 800,000 images in response to the national security requirements of the time. Other experiments involved heroin, morphine, temazepam (used under code name MKSEARCH), mescaline, psilocybin, scopolamine, alcohol and sodium pentothal.[65]. [32][37][84][85], Several known deaths have been associated with Project MKUltra, most notably that of Frank Olson. Almost no other site has garnered as much attention from conspiracy theorists and UFO-enthusiasts as Area 51, a remote desert tract near Groom Lake in Nevada, roughly 83 miles (134 kilometers) northwest of Las Vegas. Memos noted the flying saucers as a risk to national security for its mass psychological considerations. Frank Olson's family received $750,000 by a special act of Congress, and both President Ford and CIA director William Colby met with Olson's family to apologize publicly. The damage incurred on these survivors was so severe that mind control was thought to be the culprit. The CIA wanted to verse itself in this type of "mind control" to be able to recognize and use it in case of a conflict with the USSR. [46] The CIA wanted to know if they could make Soviet spies defect against their will and whether the Soviets could do the same to the CIA's own operatives. These tests showed that mosquitoes could be spread by means of various devices. One of the most well-known secret research programs is the Manhattan Project, which eventually produced the world's first atomic bombs. Substances which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public. The Central Intelligence Agency today declassified the United States Government's six oldest classified documents, dating from 1917 and 1918. A material which can be surreptitiously administered by the above routes and which in very small amounts will make it impossible for a person to perform physical activity. [31], Most MKUltra records were destroyed in 1973 by order of CIA director Richard Helms, so it has been difficult for investigators to gain a complete understanding of the more than 150 funded research subprojects sponsored by MKUltra and related CIA programs. First, the bad news: we found that over 20 of the NID excerpts about Eastern Europe in the most recent CIA project had been previously released, some as early as 1999 and others in 2011 and 2013. Many veterans who were subjected to experimentation are now seeking legal and monetary reparations. [29] Whether or not the physicians were compelled is an open question. NPR Fresh Air. Subproject 54 was the Navy's top-secret "Perfect Concussion" program, which was supposed to use sub-aural frequency blasts to erase memory; the program was never carried out. [59], The Wall Street Journal reported, citing former intelligence officials familiar with the matter, that the program was an attempt to carry out a 2001 presidential authorization to capture or kill al-Qaeda operatives.[60]. CORONA was created by a small group of CIA, Air Force and private industry experts who were tasked with finding a way to provide broad imagery coverage of the USSR to identify missile launch sites and production facilities. The mission followed an earlier program, known as Project Sign, which published a report in early 1949 stating that while some UFOs seemed to be actual aircraft, there was not enough data to determine their origins. The confidential documents, codenamed Vault 7, dated from 20132016, included details on the CIA's software capabilities, such as the ability to compromise cars, smart TVs,[81] and web browsers, including Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, and Opera,[82][83] as well as the operating systems of most smartphones including Apple's iOS and Google's Android, and other operating systems such as Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux. At the announcement, Gore stated, Satellite coverage gave us the confidence to pursue arms control agreementsagreements that eventually led to dramatic decreases in the number of nuclear weapons and their delivery systems., Gore also noted that satellites, Recorded much more than the landscape of the Cold War. [41], By March 1971 over 26,000 potential agents had been acquired for future screening. However, by 1962 the CIA and the army developed a series of super-hallucinogens such as the highly touted BZ, which was thought to hold greater promise as a mind control weapon. The operation was detailed in a partially declassified U.S. Army report in 1981." Operation Mockingbird "Operation Mockingbird is an alleged large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that began in the early 1950s and attempted to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes. The National Intelligence Daily for December 29, 1989, was first declassified by the CIA on June 3, 1999. Cher Ami, a black checker pigeon, earned his fame carrying messages for the American military during World War I. Adverse reactions often occurred, such as an operative who received the drug in his morning coffee, became psychotic and ran across Washington, seeing a monster in every car passing him. He was almost awarded thePresidential Medal of Freedom but was denied it because ofhis Nazi past. [44] They spent an estimated $10 million or more, roughly $87.5 million adjusted for inflation. Among Olson's concerns were the development of assassination materials used by the CIA, the CIA's use of biological warfare materials in covert operations, experimentation with biological weapons in populated areas, collaboration with former Nazi scientists under Operation Paperclip, LSD mind-control research, and the use of psychoactive drugs during "terminal" interrogations under a program code-named Project ARTICHOKE. The intense secrecy surrounding the base sparked peoples' imaginations, and Area 51 was commonly linked to paranormal activities, including pervasive theories that suggested Area 51 hid aliens and UFOs. These documents, which describe secret writing techniques and are housed at the National Archives, are believed to be the only remaining classified documents from the World War I era. In late 2012, the U.S. Air Force declassified a trove of documents, including records of a secret program to build a flying saucer-type aircraft designed to shoot down Soviet bombers. The Central Intelligence Agency, better known simply as the CIA, has inspired fear, suspicion, and curiosity ever since its official formation in 1947. Long-term debilitation and several deaths resulted from this. A material which will cause mental confusion of such a type the individual under its influence will find it difficult to maintain a fabrication under questioning. [21], The congressional committee investigating the CIA research, chaired by Senator Frank Church, concluded that "prior consent was obviously not obtained from any of the subjects." Horrock, Nicholas M. (August 4, 1977). Known to the public as the U.S. Air Force's Discoverer program, the classified CORONA project operated during the height of the Cold War to collect pictures over the denied areas of eastern Europe and Asia. On September 20, 1996, the Pentagon released to the public seven training manuals prepared by the U.S. military and used between 1987 and 1991 for intelligence training courses in Latin America and at the U.S. Army School of the Americas (SOA). [63] They gave up on the notion that LSD was "the secret that was going to unlock the universe," but it still had a place in the cloak-and-dagger arsenal. And awesome. If only Sarah Palin had been around in the 50s, she wouldve been all over this top-secret program. [73], Unlike the US and Canada, Denmark had a centralized population register, allowing participants to be tracked over the course of several years. CIA Director Panetta had ordered an internal investigation to determine why Congress had not been informed about the covert program. 25-Year, $25 Million Program. [20] Many CIA officers fell under career-ending suspicion; the details of the relative truths and untruths from Nosenko and Golitsyn may never be released, or, in fact, may not be fully understood. This accusation was based on the CIA Director's earlier denials of Senator Dianne Feinstein's claims that the surreptitious CIA search of the SSCI computers occurred, was inappropriate, or "violated the separation of powers principles embodied in the United States Constitution, including the Speech and Debate clause" or other laws. "Director Panetta did brief us two weeks agoI believe it was on the 24th of June and, as had been reported, did tell us that he was told that the vice president had ordered that the program not be briefed to the Congress. [1] Around 330,000 uninfected mosquitoes were dropped from aircraft in E14 bombs and dispersed from the ground. The project became the basis for several movies, such as "The Manchurian Candidate" and "The Men Who Stare at Goats.". [41] The project was a joint project between the U.S. Army Chemical Corps and the CIA's Office of Research and Development to find new offensive-use agents, with a focus on incapacitating agents. But I think most people when they think about it will say that you will get better intelligence if the intelligence agencies don't operate in an unexamined fashion. [8][9], MKUltra was preceded by two drug-related experiments, Project Bluebird and Project Artichoke. The end of the Cold War also spurred interest in satellites and their possible use for environmental and other studies. ", "Ken Kesey, Author of 'Cuckoo's Nest,' Who Defined the Psychedelic Era, Dies at 66", "I'm Whitey Bulger. In addition to a cache of documents from former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, the Presidents Daily Intelligence Briefings, from the Kennedy through the Ford administrations, have been posted online. [1], According to writer Deborah Davis, Operation Mockingbird recruited leading American journalists into a propaganda network and oversaw the operations of front groups. CORONA also had sister programs: ARGON for mapping imagery and LANYARD, a short-lived program designed for higher-quality imagery. "[65], The agency attracted widespread criticism after it used a local doctor in Pakistan to set up a hepatitis B vaccination program in Abbottabad in 2011 to obtain DNA samples from the occupants of a compound where it was suspected bin Laden was living, hoping to obtain samples from bin Laden or his children in order to confirm his presence. The CIA has also been accused of a lack of financial and whistleblower controls which has led to waste and fraud. The Washington Post and The Guardian later revealed that SNOWDEN was the principal source for the classified information on or about June 9, 2013, in a videotaped interview with The Guardian, admitted that he was the person who illegally provided those documents to reporters. Reilly, Edward C. "Ken Kesey." On July 17, 2009, the House Intelligence Committee said it was launching a formal investigation into the secret program. [21], Edward Lee Howard, David Henry Barnett, both field operations officers sold secrets to Russia. These documents, which describe secret writing techniques and are housed at the National Archives, are believed to be the only remaining classified documents from the World War I era. Everything was being evaluated on the premise that UFOs couldn't exist. The accusations also crossed the Atlantic to the British intelligence services, which also were damaged by molehunts. This page was last edited on 16 January 2023, at 09:30. This government research project was started in the 1970s, and the budget was over 20 million dollars. Another memorandum dated June 14, 1918 - written in French - reveals the formula used for German secret ink. The operation was detailed in a partially declassified U.S. Army report in 1981. This list may not reflect recent changes. It stated: The desired resultant from the execution of this plan would be to place the United States in the apparent position of suffering defensible grievances from a rash and irresponsible government of Cuba and to develop an international image of a Cuban threat to peace in the Western Hemisphere. [21] The CIA operated using front organizations, although some top officials at these institutions were aware of the CIA's involvement.[13]. but as the declassified CIA documents we'll examine here make clear, mind control programs are a real thing in which the U.S government took an active interest, dedicating . This article was featured in the InsideHook newsletter. One of its most famous graduates? [45][37], Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi has stated that the CIA repeatedly misled Congress since 2001 about waterboarding and other torture, though Pelosi admitted to being told about the programs. [47], Documents obtained from the CIA by John D. Marks under Freedom of Information in 1976 showed that, in 1953, the CIA considered purchasing 10 kilograms of LSD, enough for 100 million doses. The CIA exported experiments to Canada when they recruited British psychiatrist Donald Ewen Cameron, creator of the "psychic driving" concept, which the CIA found interesting. Weiner, Tim. [1][2] One project involved vesicants, one involved phosgene, and five were experiments which involved nerve agents; all seven were approved. CIA support of front groups was exposed after a 1967 Ramparts magazine article reported that the National Student Association received funding from the CIA. Declassified documents shed light on a government so corrupted that it would use hypnosis-induced mind control to create unwitting assassins and 'super spies'. The Central Intelligence Agency, better known simply as the CIA, has inspired fear, suspicion, and curiosity ever since its official formation in 1947. DCIs Address to CSI CORONA Symposium Dr. Wernher von Braun (center) describes the Saturn Launch System to President John F. Kennedy (right, pointing). It is unknown whether any useful DNA was acquired from the program, but it was deemed not successful. Washington, D.C., February 12, 2010 - For the first time, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has declassified substantive information on one of its most secret and sensitive schemes, "Project Azorian," the Agency codename for its ambitious plan to raise a sunken Soviet submarine from the floor of the Pacific Ocean in order to retrieve its secrets. Stanley. U.S. psychologist Zarnoff Mednick teamed up with Danish professor Fini Schulsinger to study schizophrenia progression in Danish orphans. Declassified MKUltra documents indicate they studied hypnosis in the early 1950s. This resulted in the withdrawal of support by many academics and private researchers, and LSD research became less of a priority altogether. and other United States agencies employed at least a thousand Nazis as Cold War spies and informants and, as recently as the 1990s, concealed the governments ties to some still living in America, newly disclosed records and interviews show. do to Eric Olson's father? Subcategories This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total. [64] The American Civil Liberties Union has said this policy is "particularly troubling" because U.S. citizens "retain their constitutional right to due process even when abroad." [90] The case was dismissed in July 2013, due in part to the 1976 settlement between the family and government. [16], On October 4, 2001, a secret arrangement was made in Brussels, by all members of NATO. [23], During Bush's year in charge of the CIA, the U.S. national security apparatus actively supported Operation Condor operations and right-wing military dictatorships in Latin America. [54] On July 16, 2008, the fiscal 2009 Intelligence Authorization Bill was approved by House majority containing stipulations that 75% of money sought for covert actions would be held until all members of the House Intelligence panel were briefed on sensitive covert actions. In a declassified CIA document outlining the details of Operation Belladonna, we can see the United States had already made contact with Ukrainian Nationalists that were keen to ally with the Americans against the USSR, primarily through influencing the development of the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council (UHVR). In July 2016, the National Security Archive posted declassified documents, films and photographs that show U.S. tests of atomic bombs in the Bikini Atoll in 1946. [73] The Middle East Eye reported that two agents, Americans, who operated spy-rings within ISIS had resigned, because they "did not want to see the contacts who worked for them sacrificed due to incompetence and anti-Muslim prejudice from within Trump's inner circle." In line with this, Live Science have revealed a list of "declassified military and CIA secrets", some of which included the following. (Of course, they didnt release the reason why they needed one, but well leave that up to your imagination.) [66] Mdecins Sans Frontires criticized the CIA for endangering and undermining trust in medical workers[67] and The New York Times reported that the CIA's action had increased resistance to vaccination programs in Pakistan. According to Stephen Kinzer, the CIA project "was a continuation of the work begun in WWII-era Japanese facilities and Nazi concentration camps on subduing and controlling human minds". The Kennedy administration recognized the folly of Operation Northwoods and rejected it, according to news reports. In the process of acquiring this priceless data, we recorded for future generations the environmental history of the Earth at least a decade before any country on this Earth launched any Earth resource satellites.. Testing and Use of Chemical and Biological Agents by the Intelligence Community, List of MKULTRA Unclassified Documents including subprojects, Enjoy the video below of a hypnotized woman being instructed to pick up a venomous snake. Lessons Spanning Half A Century", part F. Hallucinogens, "Family Statement on the Murder of Frank Olson", "Lawsuit by family of drugged Detrick employee dismissed", "CIA Cover-Up Suit Over Scientist's Fatal Fall Dismissed", "Pont-Saint-Esprit poisoning: Did the CIA spread LSD? "The Snowden leaks have generated broad public debate over issues of security, privacy, and legality inherent in the NSA's surveillance of communications by American citizens. [1][2] In a 1975 Pentagon Inspector General's report, the military maintained Top Hat was not subject to the guidelines requiring approval because it was a "line of duty" exercise in the Chemical Corps. The Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA by Tim Weiner accuses the CIA of covert actions and human rights abuses. Some of you have read this before. (Note 37) Many of these tests were conducted under the so-called MKULTRA program, established to counter perceived Soviet and Chinese advances in brainwashing techniques. [77] These files dealt with the financing of MKUltra projects and contained few project details, but much more was learned from them than from the Inspector General's 1963 report. Declassified CIA File - Project AERODYNAMIC (15 Feb 1967) Original Title: Declassified CIA file - Project AERODYNAMIC (15 Feb 1967) Uploaded by Operation Gladio Description: Source: (DEVELOPMENT%20AND%20PLANS)_0004.pdf Copyright: Lord George Robertson, British defence secretary and later NATO's secretary-general, would later explain that NATO members agree to provide "blanket overflight clearances for the United States and other allies' aircraft for military flights related to operations against terrorism. The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or other U.S. government operatives to commit acts of terrorism against American civilians and military targets, blaming them on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba. The scheme, dreamed up in 1962 by the Joint Chiefs of Staff (uniformed members of the U.S. Department of Defense who advise the president and others), involved committing acts of violence against U.S. and Cuban civilians and then blaming those acts on the Cuban government, according to the NSA documents. Materials which will render the induction of hypnosis easier or otherwise enhance its usefulness. [64] The barbiturates were released into the person first, and as soon as the person began to fall asleep, the amphetamines were released. [4] As a result, the remaining Big Itch tests were conducted using only the smaller capacity E14. [4] The E14 bomb and E23 bomb, which could be clustered into the E86 cluster bomb and E77 bomb, respectively. Not declassified as yet, but the CIA documents for what Wikipedia quaintly calls the Indonesian mass killings of 1965-66 is going to be a wild . The officers conducting the monitoring were not qualified scientific observers. "[85], External investigations and document releases, Influencing public opinion and law enforcement, Use of vaccination program in hunt for Osama bin Laden, Improper search of computers used by Senate investigators, Resignation of officials and agents who would not work for Donald Trump, WikiLeaks' disclosure of CIA's cyber tools. President Dwight D. Eisenhower formally endorsed CORONA in February 1958. (1995). While the government admitted it was, at that time, drugging people without their consent, U.S. District Judge Marilyn Hall Patel found Ritchie could not prove he was one of the victims of MKUltra or that LSD caused his robbery attempt and dismissed the case in 2005. The CIA captured people suspected of being enemy agents and other people it deemed "expendable" to undertake various types of torture and human experimentation on them. 94-755, 94th Cong., 2d Sess. August 3, 1977", "The Search for the "Manchurian Candidate": The CIA and Mind Control: The Secret History of the Behavioral Sciences", Entire Four CD-ROM set of CIA / MKUltra Declassified documents released by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), image format, MKUltra Declassified documents, PDF format, Results of the 1973 Church Committee Hearings, on CIA misdeeds, and the 1984 Iran/Contra Hearings, XXVII. Hacking Documents", "How the CIA Can Hack Your Phone, PC, and TV (Says WikiLeaks)", "WikiLeaks posts trove of CIA documents detailing mass hacking", "Vault 7: Wikileaks reveals details of CIA's hacks of Android, iPhone Windows, Linux, MacOS, and even Samsung TVs", "Trump's CIA Director Pompeo, Targeting WikiLeaks, Explicitly Threatens Speech and Press Freedoms", Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001, "Secret CIA Files Say Staffers Committed Sex Crimes Involving Children", All the Shah's Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror, Encyclopedia of the Central Intelligence Agency, CIA Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room, Landscapes of Secrecy: The CIA in History, Fiction and Memory, Works by or about List of CIA controversies,, Dujmovic, Nicholas, "Drastic Actions Short of War: The Origins and Application of CIA's Covert Paramilitary Function in the Early Cold War,", This page was last edited on 14 January 2023, at 21:57. The project grew out of QKHilltop and was later absorbed into MKUltra. [33] The agency poured millions of dollars into studies examining ways to influence and control the mind and to enhance its ability to extract information from resistant subjects during interrogation. Seeking legal and monetary reparations below of a priority altogether according to news reports otherwise. Were included within Operation Northwoods, including real or simulated actions against various U.S. military and civilian targets premise. Military and civilian targets experimentation are now seeking legal and monetary reparations support. Received funding from the ground the induction of hypnosis easier or otherwise enhance its usefulness CIA support declassified cia projects front was... The smaller capacity E14 detailed in a partially declassified U.S. Army report in 1981 House Intelligence Committee said it launching. 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