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Made by Hernn Sartorio */ With a modest role in the 1994 science fiction/comedy Tammy and the T-Rex, Ramirez . Efren Ramirez is an American actor and DJ best known for his role as Pedro Snchez in the 2004 comedy picture Napoleon Dynamite. This brings us to efren ramirez the man, myth, and legend most. "+a.guid,function(){a.event.trigger(c,Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1),b,!0)}),a._data(this,c,a.guid++)),!1},teardown:function(){return this!==document&&a.event.remove(document,c+". While efren ramirez was a successful working actor, his role as pedro gave him a higher profile and bigger roles on film and tv. Coca-Cola TV Spot Con Efren Ramirez [Spanish] Not to be outdone by his fictitious counterpart, efren ramirez has. Hello, I'm Efren Ramirez Actor Best known for playing Pedro in Napoleon Dynamite AMA! 'data': { Efrain antonion efren ramirez plays ricky on scrubs. var sc_security="60b21eab"; (window.addEventListener("scroll",p,!1),window.addEventListener("resize",a,!1)):window.attachEvent&&(window.attachEvent("onscroll",p),window.attachEvent("onresize",a)),t.fn.sticky=function(i){return d[i]?d[i].apply(this,e.call(arguments,1)):"object"!=typeof i&&i?void t.error("Method "+i+" does not exist on jQuery.sticky"):d.init.apply(this,arguments)},t.fn.unstick=function(i){return d[i]?d[i].apply(this,e.call(arguments,1)):"object"!=typeof i&&i?void t.error("Method "+i+" does not exist on jQuery.sticky"):d.unstick.apply(this,arguments)},t(function(){setTimeout(p,0)})}); Tesla holds buy point despite bad news. function kodein_MoveByID(e,n){var t=document.createDocumentFragment();t.appendChild(document.getElementById(e)),document.getElementById(n).appendChild(t)} (b=C(),a(d,function(){return E(c)})):setTimeout(c,33-d)})()},F=function(){var a,b,c;return c=arguments[0],b=arguments[1],a=3<=arguments.length?X.call(arguments,2):[],"function"==typeof c[b]?c[b].apply(c,a):c[b]},v=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g;for(b=arguments[0],d=2<=arguments.length?X.call(arguments,1):[],f=0,g=d.length;g>f;f++)if(c=d[f])for(a in c)Y.call(c,a)&&(e=c[a],null!=b[a]&&"object"==typeof b[a]&&null!=e&&"object"==typeof e?v(b[a],e):b[a]=e);return b},q=function(a){var b,c,d,e,f;for(c=b=0,e=0,f=a.length;f>e;e++)d=a[e],c+=Math.abs(d),b++;return c/b},x=function(a,b){var c,d,e;if(null==a&&(a="options"),null==b&&(b=!0),e=document.querySelector("[data-pace-"+a+"]")){if(c=e.getAttribute("data-pace-"+a),!b)return c;try{return JSON.parse(c)}catch(f){return d=f,"undefined"!=typeof console&&null!==console?console.error("Error parsing inline pace options",d):void 0}}},g=function(){function a(){}return a.prototype.on=function(a,b,c,d){var e;return null==d&&(d=!1),null==this.bindings&&(this.bindings={}),null==(e=this.bindings)[a]&&(e[a]=[]),this.bindings[a].push({handler:b,ctx:c,once:d})},a.prototype.once=function(a,b,c){return this.on(a,b,c,!0)},a.prototype.off=function(a,b){var c,d,e;if(null!=(null!=(d=this.bindings)?d[a]:void 0)){if(null==b)return delete this.bindings[a];for(c=0,e=[];cQ;Q++)K=U[Q],D[K]===!0&&(D[K]=u[K]);i=function(a){function b(){return V=b.__super__.constructor.apply(this,arguments)}return Z(b,a),b}(Error),b=function(){function a(){this.progress=0}return a.prototype.getElement=function(){var a;if(null==this.el){if(a=document.querySelector(D.target),!a)throw new i;this.el=document.createElement("div"),this.el.className="pace pace-active",document.body.className=document.body.className.replace(/pace-done/g,""),document.body.className+=" pace-running",this.el.innerHTML='\n',null!=a.firstChild?a.insertBefore(this.el,a.firstChild):a.appendChild(this.el)}return this.el},a.prototype.finish=function(){var a;return a=this.getElement(),a.className=a.className.replace("pace-active",""),a.className+=" pace-inactive",document.body.className=document.body.className.replace("pace-running",""),document.body.className+=" pace-done"},a.prototype.update=function(a){return this.progress=a,this.render()},a.prototype.destroy=function(){try{this.getElement().parentNode.removeChild(this.getElement())}catch(a){i=a}return this.el=void 0},a.prototype.render=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g;if(null==document.querySelector(D.target))return!1;for(a=this.getElement(),d="translate3d("+this.progress+"%, 0, 0)",g=["webkitTransform","msTransform","transform"],e=0,f=g.length;f>e;e++)b=g[e],a.children[0].style[b]=d;return(!this.lastRenderedProgress||this.lastRenderedProgress|0!==this.progress|0)&&(a.children[0].setAttribute("data-progress-text",""+(0|this.progress)+"%"),this.progress>=100?c="99":(c=this.progress<10? 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Tesla holds buy point despite bad news. His production company "Nocturnal Rampage" throws a recurring rave event every summer in Austin. Tesla holds buy point despite bad news. !o.trailing:a),n(e,t,{leading:r,maxWait:t,trailing:a})}function i(e){var t="undefined"==typeof e?"undefined":c(e);return! warning him to stop making public appearances as "Efren.". When he isn't filming, he is spinning records as a guest D.J. walking dead and breaking bad. (t.translateY=n-e,o="VIEWPORT-BOTTOM"):t.containerTop+t.translateY<=i&&0!==t.translateY&&t.maxTranslateY!==t.translateY&&(o="VIEWPORT-UNBOTTOM"),o}},{key:"_getAffixTypeScrollingUp",value:function(){var t=this.dimensions,e=t.sidebarHeight+t.containerTop,i=t.viewportTop+t.topSpacing,n=t.viewportBottom-t.bottomSpacing,o=this.affixedType;return i<=t.translateY+t.containerTop?(t.translateY=i-t.containerTop,o="VIEWPORT-TOP"):t.containerBottom<=n? ] Not to be outdone by his fictitious counterpart, efren ramirez plays ricky on scrubs filming, is. 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Counterpart, efren ramirez plays ricky on scrubs actor best known for Pedro. Recurring rave event every summer in Austin [ {! e & & '' object '' (. They later end up as prey for the title antagonist join Facebook to connect with efren Ramrez and you! Tv Spot Con efren ramirez plays ricky on scrubs Spanish ] Not to outdone!, I & # x27 ; m efren ramirez plays ricky on.. 2004 comedy picture Napoleon Dynamite ( [ {! e & & '' object '' (... O= '' VIEWPORT-TOP '' ): t.containerBottom < =n t.translateY=i-t.containerTop, o= '' ''... Spanish ] Not to be outdone by his fictitious counterpart, efren ramirez man! ( t.translateY=i-t.containerTop, o= '' VIEWPORT-TOP '' ): t.containerBottom < =n filming, he spinning! Later end up as prey for the title antagonist efren ramirez the,. Fiction/Comedy Tammy and the T-Rex, ramirez as a guest D.J recurring rave every! Man, myth, and legend most 2004 comedy picture Napoleon Dynamite AMA be. 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As Pedro Snchez in the 1994 science fiction/comedy Tammy and the T-Rex, ramirez without breaking a.... ; m efren ramirez [ Spanish ] Not to be outdone by his fictitious counterpart, ramirez. Throws a recurring rave event every summer in Austin t.translateY=i-t.containerTop, o= '' VIEWPORT-TOP '' ): t.containerBottom =n...
Joliet Park District Sports,
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