All battles go through 3 phases alternating between Fire and Shock. RELATED: Europa Universalis 4: Iberian Wedding Guide. The following modifiers contribute to the maximum morale of a nation's army: Every month, a regiment recovers 15% of its maximum morale. In total, these add +3 permanent siege status. Check out the r/askreddit subreddit! This is lowered by the "Reduced morale damage taken by reserves" modifier (. I have one question though: arent the stacks too big? Terrain for each province is shown in both the terrain and simple terrain mapmodes. The Lotharingian Empire in 1821, based off my campaign as "The AI is programmed to counter the player" 6 provinces Press J to jump to the feed. Contents 1 Country 2 Military 3 Economy 4 Trade 5 Relations Country Please help with verifying or updating this section. There are quite a few things to consider when forming an army. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I generally just make 'standard' armies of say 16 inf, 4 cav, and 20 cannons, and have multiple armies participate in battles when I need to make use of a larger combat width. For example, if an army is fighting rebels in enemy territory when peace is signed, they will continue fighting despite being exiled. For example: with all else being equal, if your general has 6 fire pips and your opponent's general has 3 fire pips, your side will inflict 15 base casualties to the enemy during the fire phase, whereas your opponent will inflict 0 base casualties to your side, All units present in a battle take base morale casualties equal to 1% of the average max morale of enemy troops per day on top of the calculated morale casualties. This is the amount of ducats available to be looted in the province and is determined by its development level: a province will gain 1 ducat for every increase of 1 development level. This province can be very far away from where the battle took place. The respective effect of pips depends on the shock and fire modifiers of military technology and ideas. Deploy X units of cavalry on each side of the first row. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Unit Composition is important in EU4, and this Europa Universalis Guide should help you get better at the game. The game uses an undocumented algorithm to automatically deploy land units on the battlefield for each side of the battle. I can only assume it was a dirty hack to make artillery retreat instantly after the front line is killed rather than always sit in the frontline with full morale until it was killed. Combat Width - This decides how many regiments you can field in a battle, two for each combat width (front and back row). The player can loot provinces they occupy or those which they are besieging, but troops must be present to do so. During Age of Revolutions it is possible to enable Improved Force March ability, which reduces military power cost to 0 (requires Mandate of Heaven). Am I a moron or is siege available starting at tech 7? Theyre not stronger than infantry and even with modifiers infantry are still better. Each military unit has offensive and defensive stats in three categories: fire, shock, and morale. There are certain technology milestones that will affect your army composition in an ideal world. Having a front line larger than the enemy, especially with at least 2 cavalry, is beneficial. Hence, try and avoid enemies if their front lines far exceed yours. Also note that this only applies to provinces with forts. Looks good but you might want to make sure it's listed for sp, as I do not agree with certain info for mps. A fort cannot be mothballed or de-mothballed while the province is under siege. You want a front row of infantry + cavalry equal to your combat width. I'm new at this, and so far have just made stacks of 50/50 infantry and cavalry at the front line and left stacks of pure infantry behind to carpet siege. Yes. Yes. EU4 units pips comparison. I've been playing more EU4 lately, and have really hit a wall with the combat system. A disorganized army is unable to start moving until its morale has recovered above 0.50. Below is a table with said military technology levels and how much they increase flanking range. Otherwise you can end up with things like infantry in the back line where they can't attack, even when you have spare artillery. Reserve troops take daily morale damage equal to 2% of the average max morale of enemy troops. I include them up through tech 26 in the templates mostly because I want to show the number of Cav that is useful if you do want to include them. Once full stacks engage, the flanking ability becomes moot. Never fall behind in tactics, it is the most important factor in determining damage, especially early game when each increase is very large percentage-wise. Now I finally understand those guides, thanks! Having your frontline be made up of more Cavalry than your Ratio allows, applies a Military Tactics Debuff to your Cavalry Units in the Frontline, equal to the percantage that you are exceeding your Ratio, divided by 2. Second Update 2023: The new, updated guide and post can be found here: But if too many artillery is reinforcing to the front row its best to try to retreat from battle. Even large nations can be brought to their knees if their provinces are persistently looted during a long war. Artillery are the only units that can attack from the back row, but they will only deal 50% damage from that position. Rolling a natural breach is still possible and will affect the siege status but will not add another breach. Wow, thanks for your amazing in-depth explanation! Sorry if this is a dumb question, but what does the professionalism hat on the far right symbolize? Administrative, Diplomatic, and Military Technologies can all reach a maximum level of 32, and it will take the entire game to get that far if you make it at all. For plains, the end-game combat width is 10, allowing a total of 20 regiments to engage in combat. Cavalries are probably the most overused and overpriced unit at 2.5x more expensive than infantry. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The mean number of phases to finish a siege for a particular starting bonus is as follows: "Sieges per year" is computed at the default phase length of 30 days. If the Width is 27 it means you need something like 20/8/26. Military tactics reduces the amount of damage a country's troops take in combat. Until tech 22 it makes sense to have at least 2 or even 4 cavalry in a stack to benefit from their flanking range; meaning at the edges of the line they can attack more than one target. Only infantry can assault. As far as a general guide goes, what would you recommend? This page was last edited on 13 December 2022, at 07:38. Description. This does not reset the ticking down for the next siege tick. Sortie can be ordered only when siege is ongoing, thus friendly troops awaiting an inbound enemy in a fortified province cannot receive garrison's aid. Consolidate regiments when they get weak. Nevertheless, it's very useful to know how the game's logic works and how battles are actually run, seeing as they happen so quickly during the game itself. there are different compositions depending on your playstyle and the enemy you are fighting, for example, if i am playing tunis in singleplayer and am fighting a large central/west african nation (eg songhai) that is way behind on tech, i will spit my army into stacks of 10 inf and 5 art for three reasons, supply limit, i dont want 40k armies on provinces with supply limit of 15-20, to have a front line in the war so they and their allies cannot run around my lands with 5k stacks, if they engage one of my armies, the tech difference and army quality will win me thos battles and if it gets close, just reinforce with another 15k stack, wars for conquest require you to focus on sieging their forts and capital, winning battles doesnt help very much, if i am fighting a large nation with a strong army, i will have combat width infantry and artillery, and then an extra 4-6k cav, the reasoning behind this is that if i have JUST combat width inf and cav and a full backrow of artillery, i run the risk of one of my frontline regimants breaking which would lead to an artillery regiment kn the front row, which can be very costly, so say for example combat width is 27: you have an army of 27 inf and 27 artillery and they engage an enemy in battle, as soon as one of your infantry regiments breaks, your artillery will start taking losses and will also do less damage, if you have 27 inf, 6 cav and 27 artillery (or just 33 inf and 27 artillery), you have 6k infantry in reserve and they will reinforce the front row, meaning you can sustain more losses before the enemy can break through to your artillery, this also gives you more time to reinforce that army with another purely infantry army without running the risk of your artillery being forced into the front row, also, if your force limit is for example 135, you want just one artillery stack of 27 in your engagement army and the rest should be purely infantry armies for reinforcing your engagement stack (so there is no need to have multiple armies with combat width artillery; unless you are a large empire expanding on multiple front at the same time, in which case you would have multiple engagement stack with artillery and also some reinforcement stacks of purely inf), long story short: combat width infantry + some extra regiments (either inf or cav) to have a small buffer and combat width artillery is ideal, also, if you are still asking yourself cav or no cav it depends on what nation you are playing, muslim nations or nations with improved cav combat/flanking ability, cav is a good idea, but mid-late game many players have such a strong power base that the small difference cav would make just doesnt seem worth it because it would just be extra micro management that they dont need because they can field armies 10x the size of their ai enemies. Given that you are somewhere late tech, some guides said that you want your combat width on infantry and your combat width on artillery, plus 2/4 cavalry on top of that. Early game fire damage should not be underestimated, as theoretically fire damage could be equivalent to shock damage from military technology 7 onwards. If a breach occurs, ignore all results on the table below except for "Surrender". It was last verified for, Horde government idea 1: Horse-lords of the Steppes, /Europa Universalis IV/common/defines.lua, /Europa Universalis IV/common/static_modifiers/00_static_modifiers.txt, PDXCON The base combat width is 15. Would you change anything else about the guidance on this infographic? Title says it all. Thanks! Combat is divided into a series of 3-day phases. I use this number because the maximum base combat width is 40 so 2 armies can fill every spot except in plains/ farmlands. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Looking very good! The base flanking range is 1 for infantry, and 2 for cavalry and artillery. I believe the guides suggest to have more units then combat width so you can consolidate after a battle and can fight again without waiting for reinforcements. Your Combat Width determines how many regiments can fight at once. The combat width used in a battle will be that of the highest value among the participants. Your front line consists of a combat width's worth of infantry+cavalry, while your backline can be up to your entire combat width's worth of artillery. This can be used to see if the player's military can defeat the AI's military. so say for example combat width is 27: you have an army of 27 inf and 27 artillery and they engage an enemy in battle, as soon as one of your infantry regiments breaks, your artillery will start taking losses and will also do less damage. In the early years of EU4's timeline, there are no artillery units in the entire game. For the first few years of the game, cavalry units will be very useful thanks to their ability to flank within such small armies. Nevermind i was wrong. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Forts can be mothballed by the nation that controls them; mothballing will reduce the fort maintenance by half but remove the fort level and garrison provided by the building from the province, as well as its capacities to lower devastation and increase army tradition. To maximize the effectiveness of an army, a proper mixture of troops is important. When two hostile armies meet in a province a battle will commence. Interactive corporate website, after assimilating Celtic culture group as. You may wish to have a dedicated siege army for busting down forts in the early stages of the game, or you may favor horses for the entirety thanks to certain bonuses to their combat ability, for example. In the early game, artillery is not effective in combat and very expensive. Please help with verifying or updating this section. An army will become exiled under the following circumstances: It will stop being exiled when it either: If an army is in combat when it gets exiled, the battle will end only if all of its enemies are no longer hostile. This is just a rule-of-thumb, however. To avoid attrition during peace times or transport I usually split them into 2 or 4 smaller stacks. In this. Update: This is the updated guide. Easy peasy. If there is not enough infantry to fill the entire first row, the game will prioritize to: Deploy as much cavalry as possible to the sides of the first row. Setting an army to Automatic Rebel Suppression will cause it to automatically travel to and fight rebel armies that appear in its surroundings. During each combat phase, each unit will use its offensive pips to increase casualties dealt, its defensive pips to mitigate casualties received, and its morale pips to increase and mitigate, respectively, morale damage.[2]. I go with 12-4-4 to start, with less artillery if I can't afford much. If you are up, I'd be happy to talk everything through with you on Discord(Jarvin#6829) or via reddit DMs. So, for example, if you decide to build 25 infantries instead of 10 cavalries, you may be paying the same amount of money, but you're costing yourself 2.5 times more of the other three resources. Each day of combat a unit will take a morale hit equal to 1% of the average max morale of enemy troops, regardless of damage taken from an enemy regiment. Army besieging a fort always count as the attacker if a battle takes place and will receive the attacker penalty. Later in the game I start to keep around a couple armies with no artillery so I can easily reinforce, replace damaged units, or carpet siege. You ideally want to have a greater front lime than your enemy by a few units to account for flanking, or fill your combat width, whichever is less. If the province has no garrison (whether because it has no fort or the fort's garrison is empty), 1000 men is enough and occupation is guaranteed within a month. The elimination of all natives in a province will prevent any future raids on the local colony or any passing armies. If you pay attention to terrain, attrition, combat width, and generals and then mix in the right amount of artillery for your tech level (from none to a full rear row's worth), you will have mastered combat. This is an example of a wider tendency to place the first units present in the battle at the front and center, with reinforcements placed to the fringes. -Forest and Woods reduce combat width by 20%. They will come into the battle fresh and not take pointless damage to their morale. Newly trained regiments at low land unit maintenance will often fall below this threshold. | Combat Basics Guide - Part 3 | Tutorial - YouTube Part 3 of a 4 part series on basics of combat and combat related mechanics. This value scales linearly with the army maintenance slider. Accordingly, artillery adds to the fight from tech 13 when they receive a second pip, one of which is applied to the front row. What's the symbol of a ship with a X next to it? Stationing an army in an allied province provides a Friendly Troops negative modifier to unrest in that province, to the value of 0.25 per regiment, to a maximum of 5 at 20 regiments. More posts from r/eu4 subscribers DominusDK It's year 12. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. After a battle is fought, an army must spend some time without fighting for its morale to recover. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. The only real thing to add to this for mp is to only use a few of these depending on your total army size, this means 1-3 combined stacks in most cases and to use pure inf for the rest to reinforce as excess cannons do little to win battles and you tend not to have more than 1-3 battles going at any given time, cav as always is a topic of its own as most nations without will and probably should simply not use it (in my opinion), apart from that this is a very nice resource i will save and hand to all my beginner esque friends who need the advice in the future. When starting out you should still use cavalry but its best to ditch them at around Tech 10. Note that the leader skill bracket cannot be negative. Your units reinforce faster in your own territory. Is it normal for the 100 years war to be this one-sided? With a combat width of 38, that means 38 combined infantry and cavalry, plus 38 artillery. An exiled army can be identified by a black flag attached to its unit icon. When a unit ahead of them dies the reserves move forward to replace them. But the cap of unrest reduction through rebel suppression still stays 5. A native army equal in size to the local native population (rounded to the nearest thousand) will spawn immediately and must be defeated in battle to clear out the native population. When a regiment deals morale or kill casualties to a target that has less morale or regiment strength remaining, the excess morale or kill casualties are not distributed to other units. When playing strategy games (especially one as detailed and in-depth as Europa Universalis 4) its a good idea to learn a few things rather than jumping into it and getting defeated in a few minutes. You don't need to attack with exactly your combat width every time, or precisely 6 more front line units than your enemy. Try the Total War series, or many others. For every 1 combat width, 1 additional regiment can be placed in the front and back rows, if sufficient troops are available. Once cannons are unlocked, things change rather drastically. The first round of artillery you unlock theyre not very good but are useful and when sieging theyve extremely useful. This means that have 120 from two 60 stacks combined will ensure a backline of 40 artillery 6 cavalry and 72 infantry, that is a total of 78 front line units which will ensure that no artillery will be pulled in front. Here is a table of combat width by military technology level. The AI is indeed stupid enough to Albania big PP - or what's the highest gain you got in a Help! It's base 15 plus whatever you get from technology. The Lotharingian Empire in 1821, based off my campaign as "The AI is programmed to counter the player" 6 provinces Press J to jump to the feed. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. Keeping at least four cavalry units in every army will ensure that your flanks are filled with useful units and your army will really shine in the shock phase of a fight. The latter is caused by the defensive pips of cannons being divided by two, then rounded down and ultimately added to the frontlines defensive pips (or, stated alternatively, contributing half of their defensive pips to the front line). Multipliers affecting both morale and strength casualties: There are several unique national ideas which modify the amount of damage inflicted and received in both the fire and shock phases. Why am I getting so much AE from taking 5 provinces in Is this the point where I declare bankruptcy ? Unit Composition is also tied to your Combat Width, which you can find in the military screen of your country's interface. As military technology advances, a country's combat width increases, allowing them to use more soldiers effectively at once. next question if i have three armies of around 38 and am about to attack another army should i combine the army into an army of like 120 or move those three armies in seperately at the same time to attack. It requires a bit more micro to use combat width stacks because if you're not ready to reinforce a battle with an inf stack when the frontline breaks, you could lose due to cannons being in the front row. The besieger requires 3x the fort level adjusted for garrison modifiers to siege a fort (be sure to add an extra unit or two to offset attrition losses). One of those will be your combat width (the picture is 2 crossed sabres with arrows pointing either way underneath it if I remember correctly). The garrison can be ordered to make a sortie to fight the hostile army, at the cost of 10 military power. If you look at the combat screen, you see that there are two lines. Ever worry about how many cannons you need, whether cavalry units are useful in the 1600s, or how much infantry is too much? Enjoy! All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Why am I getting so much AE from taking 5 provinces in Is this the point where I declare bankruptcy ? Several ideas give increased cavalry flanking range: Morale is an important factor in fighting battles. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Europa Universalis IV - Santa Maria del Fiore If there are any of you that do not understand how this affects the combat meta in practice. They can more quickly whittle down the enemy's much shorter front line. Unlike the combat width of land warfare, the naval engagement width of the two participants are independent, that means one participant could have wider engagement width than the other. We've got some pointers. 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