This practice was adopted by the Buddha from other ascetic sects in his day. It is found in the canonical literatur of all Buddhist sects (Theravda, Mahyna, Vajrayna), and is accepted by most Buddhists as a statement about an event that will take place when the Dharma will have been forgotten on . Maitreya (Sanskrit: ) or Metteyya (Pali: ), also Maitreya Buddha or Metteyya Buddha, is regarded as the future Buddha of this world in Buddhist eschatology.As the 5th and final Buddha of the current kalpa, Maitreya's teachings will be aimed at reinstating the dharma, a vital concept in Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism. Maitreya has also been adopted for his millenarian role by many non-Buddhist religions in the past, such as the White Lotus, as well as by modern new religious movements, such as Yiguandao. the use of elements from the Siddhrthas hagiography, are aspects of Buddhism that coincided and contributed to the rise of the Great Vehicle. One then dies and is reborn in another of the realms. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon Press, 1996. Rising and falling [according to ones needs], Sweet and fragrant rice will grow that requires no cultivation. The translation is somewhat free, the literal translation being having thus cut the net [of attachment] from [their] hand. Edition A reads: those who have the power to rend the net (), and the Tibetan has those who have torn the net of attachment (, LH 990.4, NT 969.2). The herald of the Cosmic Christ died peacefully as his home in Tufnell Park, north London in October 2016, at the age of 93. The Maitreya Buddha statue is being designed to last for at least 1,000 years. 5, , hereafter AMV. Dec. 12, 2008 - Share International's spokesman, author and lecturer Benjamin Creme, has spent 30 years declaring that Maitreya, a messiah for the world is living in London but has not yet been revealed. (22) [NT 961], That ruler of men will govern the landwhich will extend without interruption to the limitless oceans46in accordance with the [Buddhist] doctrine. Even the worshiping at stpas (reliquary mounds) is a fairly ancient practice, predating the rise of the Great Vehicle. There are seven variations to The Hebrew Spelling of the name, MAITREYA and all seven Calculate to six hundred and sixty six = 666. On that road, they will lay out everywhere carpets as soft as cotton. 2. Waiting for Maitreya. (57), Seeing that the crowd is well-disposed,95 he will talk about the truths of suffering, the arising of suffering, and the transcendence96 of suffering.97 (58), Along with the peaceful, holy eightfold path that leads to the extinction [of sorrows] (nirva), and having listened attentively to that doctrine they will begin to progress in the teaching.98 (59), And99 in a garden covered in flowers, there will be a gathering. will see the thoroughly enlightened Maitreya, the best of bipeds. 94Edition A and Tibetan have the best of sages (AMV 19 n.1). Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications, 1984. Either Conze is paraphrasing here, editing out what he sees as irrelevant elaborations, or, more likely, he is using a Chinese text instead of Tibetan in lieu of the missing first folios of the two extant Sanskrit editions. MW (533.2) equates this with the Ngaruka tree, or the Sweet Orange tree (Citrus sinensis). The name is taken from the Sanskrit maitri (in Pali, metta ), which means "loving kindness." In Mahayana Buddhism, Maitreya is the embodiment of all-encompassing love. The Ahaly Story Through the Ages. In Myth and Mythmaking: Continuous Evolution in Indian Tradition, by Julia Leslie, 3962. He has no form, no name, and thus he is incommensurable. However, no matter the level of concentration, all three realms are still within the cycle of cyclic existence (. At that time, the royal capital will be called Ketumati. THE FUTURE BUDDHA-----('Maitreyavyakarana') Maitreya will appear in the future, some thirty thousand years hence. This and the following verse are missing from the Tibetan. and tr). 157The Sanskrit verse of edition B is problematic: The is uncertain. These words are put in the mouth of Maitreya, whereas the Four Noble Truths are presented simply as a paraphrase. Such a king would be called a Chakravartin, or a turner of wheels, referring the kings chariot wheels having turned in circumscribing his kingdom. 64This verse is found only in edition B of the text. The printed text has: and the digital version has ( accessed May 8, 2018). Blavatsky, Helena Roerich, Alice Bailey, and most recently Benjamin Creme, Maitreya the World Teacher is also known as the Christ (the word is a term used to designate the head of the Spiritual Hierarchy for our planet), th. 77 (AMV 15). [10][11] Bah's believe that the prophecy that Maitreya will usher in a new society of tolerance and love has been fulfilled by Bah'u'llh's teachings on world peace. Maitreya is depicted in Buddhist art in many ways. MW Monier-Williams, Sanskrit Dictionary. Maitreya is a transcendent bodhisattva named as the universal Buddha of a future time. Bibliotheque de lEcole de Hautes tudes, Sciences Religieuses. One of the three components of the end-time Babylonian confederacy is the False Prophet representing the false holy spirit. Only Buddhist practitioners who are Non-returners (, (accompanied by) which the Tibetan translates as. ) 165Edition A has: Then, the true doctrine of this truly great sage who has gone beyond will remain for 10,000 years ( , AMV 29 n. 5) The Tibetan has: Even though he will have entered nirva, the excellent doctrine spoken by the great sage will then remain for 10,000 years ( LH 990.6-990.7, NT 969.4). Simple analysis reveals the truth: Maitreya was born in Tehran, Persia, about 100 years after the beginning of the Bab's Mission. The Tibetan of this sentence seems to diverge from the Sanskrit in AMV. See note 49. 42, (AMV 9; LH 981.3; NT 960.6-960.7). (96) [28] [LH 990], Thrilled, the gods, people, gandharvas, yakas, and rkasas will perform pja155 for the teacher and so will the Ngas who have great magical powers. The Tibetan, Lvi (392) and Conze (239) all interpret it as the nominative name of the priest, . Lvi (393) follows version A more closely: [and the king of the gods, the thousand-eyes husband of ac, will take] the infant with thirty-two marks, this Maitreya sparkling with splendor, his nurse will put him in the hands of his mother ([et le roi des dieux, lpoux de ac, Mille-Yeux, prendra] l'enfant aux trente-deux marques, ce Maitreya tincelant de splendeur, sa nourrice le remettra aux mains de sa mre). 169 (AMV 30, missing in edition A/Lvi). Conzes redacted translation omits the next four verses about Indra, the midwife, and the mother. nanda, in the past, when the bodhisattva mahsattva Maitreya was engaged in the bodhisattva practices, he would drape his upper robes over one shoulder, bend his right knee to the ground, and join his palms together, three times a day and three times a night. Maitreya. and the Japanese monograph on Maitreyas Pure-land by Matsumoto Bunzabur. They will cause no harm and be virtuous. Time. Maitreya is usually attributed to the name used in Buddhism for "a Buddha yet to come," though the origins of Maitreya are unclear and disputed. This is identical to the version found in Gilgit Manuscripts, ed. The Sanskrit word, "Maitreya" (Pali: Metteya) which means, "The Benevolent One," simply refers to the future Buddha. The highest of these realms is the oft-mentioned Akaniha Heaven. 148Version A and Tibetan have Guide of the world (, ) instead of Conqueror (AMV 27 n. 4). is a gesture of cupping the hands together and offering them to the person as a sign of respect. The Sanskrit word (named/called) is also not represented in the Tibetan. 155Pja is the Indian ritual of honoring and worshipping a deity or a human seen as a deity. Winternitz claims that this text was also known as the. ) When translating, I try to be as faithful as possible to original as far as I understand it. Life of the Buddha. Having seen thus that his son has the 32 marks of an exceptional man and examining them with mantras, Just as, through mantras, two [different] destinies of a youth can be seen, [Subrahm will see that his son will be] either a world-ruling leader of men or a Buddha, the greatest of bipeds. No sigla is given for the Sanskrit with these intertextual paginations, but the sigla AMV is used in footnotes. People live longer; the world is vaster, and the Buddha comes from the highest class. See note 20. Literally, desires, not eating, and old age. The translation borrows from Conze (238-239), Three kinds of illness only are known people must relieve their bowels, they must eat, they must get old, and Lvi (391) who has les besoins, linanition, la vieillesse., 28 (AMV 7; LH 980.3; NT 959.7). Having sprinkled saffron water and rubbed sandalwood paste on the stpas of the sage of the kyas, you have indeed come into my teachings. The prophecy of the arrival of Maitreya references a time when the Dharma will have been forgotten on Jambudvipa. Both Indra and Brahm (the two main gods of Hinduism prior to the rise of iva and Viu), of Maitreyas prophecy, as we have it, clearly presents Buddhism as a. on the doctrine taught by the future Buddha. 19 n. 3; Lvi 387 vv. This interpretation is supported by the Tibetan and edition A have: Having trained them in the excellent doctrine (AMV 29 n. 3, LH 990.4-990.5, NT 969.3). 1. B enjamin Creme did not live to see Maitreya reveal himself to the world. Conze does not translate this verse. the figure of Indra, another mainstay of Brahmic culture, seems to have played an increasingly prominent role in the story over time. The Sanskrit translates literally as Lord of aid/might (ac), while the Tibetan translates as Lord of bliss and so forth. "In the Tushita heaven of the Buddhists dwells the radiant consciousness of Maitreya, the loving one, the desired of all nations - the Buddhist Messiah who is yet to come. 76 (AMV 15), (LH 984.4, NT 963.6-963.7). 97Sanskrit verses 58 and 59 are translated after verse 52 in the Tibetan (LH 985.3-985.5; NT 964.5-954.6). (27) [LH 982], He will be a scholar and holder of mantras, possessing the whole body of sacred knowledge, as well as an expert in the Vedas, ritual science, lexicology, and grammar. Lvi (397) appears to follow the Tibetan, they will have torn the net of desires (ils auront dchir le filet des dsirs). The form of the verb in this verse is third person singular. So for them () translated not as endowed with brightness but as having flags, or more creatively festooned.. 25, * (AMV 6; LH 980.1;NT 959.5). The concept of the four treasures is found in both Buddhism and Jainism. Thompson, Richard. Hart, George. As with Siddhrtha, Maitreyas future mother will have an idyllic pregnancy, and, while she holds a branch of a tree, the baby will emerge from her side to avoid the crud of birth. We indeed wish to hear about this leader. (3) [4], Upon hearing that, the Fortunate One said, [NT 959] Listen as I explain19 to you the accomplishments of that excellent man, the Buddha Maitreya. In terms of the age-old translators dilemma of translating the words versus the meaning, I fallas most dosomewhere in the middle. The size of his assembly will be a full hundred yojanas.100 (60), Upon hearing this, the lord of men, the celebrated king named akha will give innumerable donations and desire renunciation.101 (61) [20], Surrounded by the 84,000 [hearers of Maitreyas sermon], the leader of men will go forth102 and give himself up to renunciation. When Indra bathes in this river, the 1,000 vaginas turn into eyes. What does maitreya mean? The Tibetan translation for the name of Indras wife, ach, is , though it is unclear how the Tibetan is derived from the Sanskrit. 129These are magical miracles ( ), mind-reading miracles ( ), and miracles of admonition ( ) (BHSD 392.1). 16According to Lvi, Yijings Chinese version adds here a more elaborate description that follows the typical Stra formula, [riputra] rose from his seat, covered his right shoulder, kneeled on his right knee, joined his hands together and spoke, I would like to ask you a question. Conze skips this section but Lvi (391) translates it as: Its moats, dug with elegance, show a profusion of white and blue lotuses (Ses fosss, creuss avec elegance, etalent une profusion de padmas et d'utpalas). Having heard this extraordinary [tale] and having seen such abundant good fortune, Therefore, those who, here and now, are desirous of emancipation. 9These are respectively , and , . You beings are impelled by that, and so you have met with me. The prophecy genre is considered by adherents of the Great Vehicle as one of the twelve branches of Buddhas discourse, and indeed several texts of this style are found in the Tibetan collection of the, , as the title makes explicit, concerns the prophecy of, considered to be the next Buddha to come to this world and. 132Edition A and the Tibetan reads: [Hearers] who are freed from the bonds of afflictive emotions ( ; ) (AMV 24 n. 1; LH 988.3, NT 967.4). See the next verse. The Twelfth Imam is not a Christian/biblical idea, but rather a concept in Shia Islam tied to Muslim beliefs about the end times. However, here the tree is a Nga tree (. However, I see nothing explicitly indicating the notion of having to wait and prefer a more literal translation. I cannot find any other reference to the eight qualities or parts of the voice. Sitting at the foot of this tree, Maitreya, the best of bipeds, will reach total, unsurpassable illumination; this is without doubt! (, Lvi (394) also omits it, but Conze (240) has And he will win his enlightenment the very same day (, ) that he has gone forth into homeless life., 19). Such a king would be called a Chakravartin, or a turner of wheels, referring the kings chariot wheels having turned in circumscribing his kingdom. Edgerton, Franklin. However, some have calculated it to be as little as 5 km or 3.11 miles (Richard Thompson, Planetary Diameters in the Surya-Siddhanta in Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. However, here the tree is a Nga tree (Citrus sinensis?) Edition B is problematic: the is uncertain NT 964.5-954.6 ) however, I fallas most dosomewhere in the over. Three components of the realms 985.3-985.5 ; NT 964.5-954.6 ) was also known as the Buddha... Mouth of Maitreya, the literal translation word ( named/called ) is a tree... The Indian ritual of honoring and worshipping a deity or a human seen as a of. 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