Lori makes to the water first, then Lincoln gets in the water a couple seconds after. Give Clyde and the McBrides our regards. The two arrive and the house and walk inside. Ronnie Anne and I haveseven years. (Rita shows off their newest sibling to the girls and they're all excited that he's a boy, they run up to him). A soft smile spreads across her face. WHY ARE YOU ALL BEING SO LITERALLY UNFAIR TO ME?! Lori: Uh, HELLO? He had to exert order on his life. The three guys turn there heads and see Lori, who looks extremely ticked off. Lori: Well, I DID also yell at Clyde and tell him I never wanted to see him again and slap him on the cheek. ", Lincoln: "I will. ", Lori: Well, can you at least put some on my back? Lucy: "So Lincoln. ", Rita frowned. Now, any parent would respect their child's privacy, but as a mother, Rita grew even more concerned. LUNA: Hey, little bro. Sometimes I felt stressedknowing that I have to watch over a lot of siblings. I'll get over it in a few days, I am not upset. Lori rolls he eyes, and picks both of her younger sisters by the back of their shirts. Lynn Jr: Trust me, hell be over you before you know it. While I love all of you, you just hit home for me, with your intelligence at all. Lincoln gave back Luan his assistant shirt and was walking downstairs to clean Gary's (Luan's rabbit) leftowers from one of Luan's comedy props. Lincoln and Luan were at Luna's and Luan's room. I have to get back to doing the chores, but talk to me when you're feeling upset again.". The siblings thanked them for the compliment. ", Rita: "Maybe you also should try talking to him about it. nice.". She turns the water of, and races to her room to get her duds. ", Drake: "Are you the same kid who had his sister pretend to be you and win a bunch of football games? "Oh thanks," Lincoln chuckled embarrassedly. Staff Member #2: "You kids are coming with us. Im just feeling kinda raw right now. "I noticed you've been having some emotional turmoil, and while I'm a girl of no emotions, I'd put that aside. Luna looked up at Sam's bedroom, her eyes red from the tears. Howard: Its not your fault, Lincoln. Lynn Jr., whos in the driveway practicing hockey shots, sees her.*. This fanfic makes references to a couple of my Alternate Ending to "Get the Message". "Wow. I love you.". As time went on and mom and dad were having more kids, I was feeling pressured because, like, I'm the oldest of a lot of siblings. "Okay, good, now I'll just have to", Sam interrupts her train of thought. I bet you really loved playing this with Ronnie Anne. Leni comes in and sees this.*. Lori runs off the find Lincoln. Before long, hes gonna get his drivers license, and go to prom, and go off to college and we wont see him again until Christmas! ", "I eventually got over him, and I began to develop an interest in one particular man.". LOLA: Yeah Lori, and I am a pretty sister. I was mortified. You're our only brother, Lincoln, no wonder why we're loud and proud. Let it out.". LINCOLN: I dunno, Leni. I'm putting sunscreen on you.". *The next day, Lincoln and Clyde are back at Casa Loud, reading comic books in the living room. Lincoln opens the door to reveal TEN girls roaming the upstairs hall, everything is in chaos. Lori looks sad, but Lincoln looks at her with a smile. LORI: Yeah Lincoln, I may be mean once and while, just because I'm angry, and I can be a good protective sister when the others need to be protected. If she were to lie any further, she would only make her mother's suspicions even more on-point. ( Everybody started to hug all each other even the pets, and the parents are that Lincoln was in their family). Sam looks back at her, her grin spreading across her face. WORKER: Alright, Rita, we have plenty of newborn babies. And you tend to hang out with Clyde and your other friends. Young Lori: "I love you too, little bro.". They got their accomplish their plan from the lack of . ", Lincoln: "Look over there! It is revealed that one of her ancestors, Aggie, drove the Louds' ancestors away from their kingdom in order to achieve peace and quiet, and her ancestors have kept it that way . BACK TO THE PRESENT (Lincoln is initially horrified at this truth, Luna tries reaching to him, but he pushes her and run upstairs to his room, completely appalled) LORI: Lincoln, wait! "No, you just don't understand how hard it is for me.". ", Mike: That's right! Lincoln: Hi, Mr. McBrides. Did something happen between her and her band mates? The love letter gently floats to the ground, thus confirming that this girl was Sam. Luna was so delighted at what she had done; she was convinced that nothing could rob her of her good mood. Choose whatever one you like. Sorry for worrying you guys. RITA: It all started over 11 years ago at an orphanage. SISTERS: AND THAT'S WHATS MAKES YOU OUR BROTHER! Luna's heart shatters on impact upon hearing these words. Lori: *hears this* SERIOUSLY?! A 4-year-old Lincoln enters the room with a sad look on his face. Echos of someone screaming "Lincoln!" The two head inside the restaurant. ", Lincoln: "Yeah. When they get there, they find Alex bedridden from a broken heart. "I'm sorry, Luna," says Sam in a comforting tone "maybe we can just be friends.". Justdon't ever think you need to deal with things like this alone. Lori: "Leni went over to a friend's house for a sleepover. ", Lincoln: "Okay? "Lori why do you seem so tense and nervous," Lincoln asked. "That's worse than Lucy's idea!" Mike: (snickers) "Or what? LENI: Yeah, Linky. He's so happy that he has ten incredible and wonderful sisters with him). Just then, he hears a knock on his door. Bobby: "Wow. ", Leni: "Funk? Oh boy, was she mad! The staff members look atthe teensand they grab them. Before Lincoln takes off, he takes one last look at the house) Lincoln: Goodbye. Leni: Ooh, you got middle named. Trust me, if she likes you back, she wouldn't want you to worry about this silly thing. After a few minutes, the two get out of the water and sit on their spot. ", Lori: "What do I- Lincoln. Lori: "What about you? As she was running, Rita was walking by with a basket full of clothes. LUAN: Maybe it could've been from Pop-Pop. Yeah, shes gotten into our usual sibling brawls, but shed never hurt you one-on-oneor at least, not until now. (sniffs), (Lincoln then shed tears on his face and he cries once again as he's crying into his hands. (out loud) "Okay. GROUP HUG!!!!! With Luna as the last of the siblings to give out her love letter, she quickly sprinted behind some of the lockers. If you want, I can take a break from homework to help you make some new snacks. ", Rita places her hands around Luna's shoulders. Luna wiped a few tears from her eyes before speaking again. It cuts to Lori in her room. "I could arrange for a double date with you two, and Bobby and me. Umcan I go with you? Family; 1, genetics; 0. ", Ronnie Anne: (laughing) "Wow, Lincoln! First published Feb 18, 2021. "I understand that losing your first crush is devastating, but you shouldn't feel bad about it," Lori said reassuringly. Lincoln and Clyde are at the table, working on homework together. And you are a real Loud sibling. ", Lincoln: "Yeah. Hes going through changes. SCENE: Dining room of the Loud house. - Lincoln said kindly LORI: Especially, with our little brother. Every time she thought about Sam, her heart beats fast like a bass drum. ", Rita shrugged. He then sighs. The Loud House follows 11-year-old Lincoln, the 10 sisters who each have unique personalities: Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, , Lynn Jr. Applejack and Lana Loud vs Prairie Dusty Trails. There's a romantic comedy that's gonna play. A short blond haired girl with blue earrings while wearing a blue top and brown shorts and blue slip on shoes. You should never be afraid to tell me, our sisters, or mom and dad. Was it worth it? Lynn Jr.: *comes in from the front yard, holding her baseball glove and a ball, all she hears is Loris yelling and slamming* Geez, whats with her? Also, that time when all of you arguing was partially my fault. LUNA: You treat him more horribly than anyone in this entire house! I know what's wrong him. Upon sitting up, the boy looked down at his dirty and bloodied hands, noticing that they were shaking uncontrollably. Luna fell silent again. *goes back into kitchen, dumps bloody vegetables into garbage can* Ugh, dang Clyde. Young Lori: *sighs* "Okay, Lincoln. That goes for me as well, you are a real Loud sibling as well, baby bro. Lynn Jr.: Hey, Linc, Mr. McBrides, could I have a minute alone with Clyde to talk with him? Get him to open up about how he feels. Lincoln is moved back into the house, all his things are back where they belong, and most of the family have made peace with him; however, Lynn Jr. still makes him wear the squirrel suit to her games to bring her luck. ", Lori: "About Lincoln. *laughs* Thanks for helping me feel better, Lynn. (Luna see's a photo of Abraham Lincoln and a map of the United States, specifically, Lincoln, Nebraska; Rita has found the perfect name for him). Lynn Jr.: Hi Mr. McBride. Lincoln: "Yeah. LORI: Can even make someone's bad day into someone's good day. A/N: Here's a one-shot I wrote over the course of over 30 minutes! You and Ronnie Anne won't be apart forever, just like me and Bobby won't. Lynn: "What do you think is wrong with him? Lincoln calls me a jerk, and he gets to have pizza at the McBrides house?! I've done some harsh things before too,like the time Ihumiliated you guys to win a trophy, the time Ikicked you guys out of the pool I bought, the time I acted like I was better than you because of a limo, and that's only naming a few. Im here to make sure Clyde is OK; I mean, if he even wants to see me right now. Luna tightened her grip around her pillow. Lincoln Loud is the oldest of the Loud siblings but at the age of 11 saw something he shouldn't have and runs away he returns 9 years later a changed man haven seen much. It was awesome. We don't want to get sunburned, do we?". (out loud) *sighs* "Alright. Are you hurt?! As she neared the front door of her house, one thought spiraled in her mind: "Why? YOUNGER RITA: Hey, girls, say hello to the newest Loud sibling! My mom told me about what happened with you and Lori; I am super sorry for that. (It cuts to Royal Woods, Michigan all covered in snow, and the Christmas decorations are set up, Snow plows were plowing snow off the roads and sidewalks, the fireplace was lit up and everyone was poring in hot cocoa, from the radio and Television airwaves, Patchy Drizzle was making a weather statement) Patchy. (Outside of Lincoln's room, the others are listening to their conversation, feeling bad for Lincoln). ", Lincoln: "Uhh, yeah. I dont care if you have a crush on me. Everyone looks at Lincoln. Lily followed her brother upstairs, and heard some crying in Lori's room. (As she punched him in the side) Lincoln: (In pain and fear) P-please Lynn I-I gotta get to the exam! Luna rubs the sleepiness from her eyes, and looks closely at the number projected on her screen. What do you want? Luna lets her phone buzz until it ceased before returning to bed. How was your- *gasp* Oh my gosh, Lincoln!". ", Lori: "Well, I guess it's because of how focused on myself I can be at times. Lincoln makes his way to the restroom. Is it OK if I talk to Clyde? I thought I would be an emotionalwreck without you here, but Lincoln seems to be having it worse than me. ", Luna looked up at her in curiosity. *starts panicking* Oh my gosh, our son has his first girlfriend. We just didn't want to scare you, so LYNN SR: We've been hiding this secret for over 11 years from you and your sisters. ", Lori: "Ronnie Anne, Bobby, and their mother are happy where they are. Harold: Oh Howie, Lincoln doesnt want to, Lincoln: *notices how serious Lynn Jr. looks* Actually, Id really love to see that, Mr. McBride. Even if your hair is white. Next morning was a Saturday morning. Before I could leave the restroom, three guys came in and started punching me. You just went ahead without warning! The two hug each other for a few seconds. He misses Ronnie Anne. Not to mention you probably BROKE HIS HEART when you said you didnt wanna see him again! FB5430. I'll take him! *slaps his face*, Clyde: *tears up, rubs his sore cheek, runs out of the house crying*, Lincoln: *glares at Lori* I hope youre happy, you jerk. Lincoln: "Would it be alright if I slept with you in your bed? Lisa just left the others with that as she walked off to Lincoln's door. All over a go in Total Trash Takedown. Eventually, practice ended, and the leader of the band called it quits. Youre like a steamed vegetable, only smarter! "Besides, Mom and Dad both told you that you couldn't do any witchcraft anymore" added Lana. Lincoln: (sadly) "Oh, Ronnie Anne. Lincoln: "Dance Battle! Lori: "I figured this would be the best place to have lunch. Lincoln: Sorry, Lori. Luna sluggishly awakens from her deep slumber to hear buzzing. Please?". ", Rita: "Alright Lincoln, let'streatyour bruises. Leni: That DOES sound kinda unfair. "Well, there was this movie that I was aiming to see, a-and we could probably hang out after that". Lori: Hey you guys, I thought you might want a snack while you work. From the way she saw it, her daughter had been crying frequently to the point her mascara began to fall from around her eyes like big, ugly clumps. ", Rita frowned slightly. ", Lori: "Lincoln. We pretty much wasted our time. Yesterday, Lincoln had uncovered a love letter signed to a certain "L. (sniffs) Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa, and Lily. "Sure," Lori said. "So when are you going to pour your heart out to her?" Plus, when was the last time you and Lincoln hung out together, just you two? They were mad about the football incident because they made a bet and they lost 50 dollars and they blamed me for it and, and-", Lori: (comfortingly)"Shhh. To Lincoln 's room, the others are listening to their conversation, feeling bad for Lincoln ) look his. Luna lets her phone buzz until it ceased before returning to bed our only brother,!! 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