Kaore te po nei te mariri te hau; Puku.Kei Nga Moteatea me ta S.L. Tirohia i te waiata 199. 34. 52. This is apparently only a fragment of the song which was supplied by Hone Ngatoto. Ko te kaupapa o te waiata nei i roto i te pukapuka a Mita Renata, Pihopa o Waiapu i mua ake ra; he mea kape mai na Apirana Ngata. Maukaha.The rocky isle upon which the canoe was stranded and wrecked. Poroa.A Rarawa chief; he is traced out in one of the pedigrees given above. Te Hakiu = Te Kauwhiwhiri, Whakahana, Hinekaukia, Hipora Koroua, Rapata Wahawaha, Ritihia Te Riunui, Tamati Tautuhi, Tuhaka Tautuhi. Mauwehi rawa i taku tinana. Kei raro koe Toko, taku hoa tungane. Kaore te aroha ki toku kokara, ki a Kohurepuku, Ka moe i a Matahira, ko te wahine matua tera, no Ngai-Taharora, no Te Whanau-a-Rakairoa ano. Makatea.He ingoa kainga ranei? Hema, who composed this song, was of that section of Ngati Maniapoto living in the Kawhia district. Katahi ta taona ki te pungapunga, kaore i maoa. Tera te kotuhi auahi ana Te Rangitautini.He rangatira ano no Tuhourangi, i mate ki Mokoia. Pehia, Toheriri, Kahu.Chiefs of the Apiti sub-tribe of Tuhourangi who were killed on Mokoia Island. Family Tree. Whitiki.Ara i te ope taua i haere ki Mokoia. Dogskin cloakrocklikeKara.In the Maori text is explained as basaltic stone. Wanton urging.Already explained in the introduction to this lament. ), (Ref. Ki ta etahi whakamarama he tupuke kei raro iho i Puakoti, i Whareponga. It is based on Maori mythology, and is obviously based on a personification of natural phenomena. 14. : S. 43, 44, S. 2/38, S. 3/74, W. 4, W. p. 87, B. At Tauranga-a-kumu, Tukorehu allowed Te Hapuku to escape. Parahaki.There is a place of this name at Opoutama, at Te Mahia, and also south of Ruatahuna. I te parekura i Orona ra, Te korikori.Kia hohoro te pakeke, te mau rakau. Na Te Toma i patu a Te Momo. Ko Te Toma pea tetehi o nga ingoa o Peketahi. 48/434.). Ko Hinekaukia te tipuna o Rapata Wahawaha. 51. Me nga whakamarama nana ano. 18. Kei te J. Ki ta Te Peehi e penei ana Hoko a Tirangi.. E te manawa i raro; Te Motu.Kaore tenei i whakamaramatia e Apirana i roto i tana Nga Moteatea Part 1. Konuku te ra.Kua titaha rawa te ra. Ka u kai tohou one, kai Whekenui, e. 0 Reviews. Te Rangipouri, of the Turehu people prevailed upon his daughter Parearohi, to go forth and take unto herself a Maori husband, with the object of forming a link between his Turehu people and the Maori, because he realised that the power of this land had been taken over by the Maori. Ka muri aroha noa te tonga o te ra, 88.). No tetahi ra, ka purupurua e Te Heiraura nga puta o to raua whare, a no te po ka tae iho ano tona wahine. 2. Pahura.A chief of the Aitanga-a-Hauiti tribe. It is said the first man who died there of leprosy was put away in this cave. Ko Tukorehu na Hore, tungane o te whaea o Te Momo, ara ko Parekaihewa te whaea o Te Momo. Tangaroa is the God of the Ocean of Maori mythology. 3. wahi o te wairoa, he patu kohuru. Takawhiti.He roto kei runga o Hikurangi, kei te maara a Kahukrapo. The text of this song was in a book written by Renata (Leonard Williams), Bishop of Waiapu, from where it was copied by Sir Apirana Ngata. It is said the main cause for the raid by the war party of Hongi Hika, which attacked Mokoia Island, was to avenge the death of Te Pae-o-te-rangi and his Ngapuhi comrades, who had been killed by Tohourangi on the island of Motutawa in Rotokakahi lake, called by the Europeans The Green Lake. When this party arrived on Motutawa, they were invited into the assembly house, where Mokonuiarangi went from one chief to another of the Tuhourangi urging upon them to kill the Ngapuhi men; no one dared. Te Kawau i Muriwhenua.I te tainga ki Nga Moteatea Part 1 e Apirana i penei: Te kawa i Muriwhenua, a kaore hoki i whakamaramatia. I kohua ai a Parua. Some of the words of this song refer to the lament for Kuru-o-temarama which has been recorded as Song Number 5. Ka momotu ki tawhiti, ki Paerau. Ko tau rakau Later the Ngati-Tuwharetoa killed Peketahi at Waipatiki, a hill below Tangoio. 5. Honipaka.Already explained in the heading. Users who like Kaore te aroha i ahau e hika; Users who reposted Kaore te aroha i ahau e hika; Playlists containing Kaore te . 13. He haonga na roto ki tona tane ra ia Na, mo te moe punarua te take o te waiata nei. Te ripa tau-arai ki te makau i te ao, i. Mutu kau ano te waiata, ka huakina atu e te taua kimi i a Ripiroaiti; katahi ka oma nga turehu, ka mahue iho te wahine e kimihia nei; ka riro mai ano i tona tane tuatahi. Koi peka ki tahaki, koi kakea atu Ka hiko taku manako ki te hori ki waho ra, 59. Wharewera.A place in the Akuaku valley. The text of this song and the explanatory notes were given by Raureti Mokonuiarangi to Sir Apirana Ngata. She then fixed her husband's long feather plume on her head. 57. Ko Whakaari (White Island) i ahu ki waho i te moana, me Paepae-aotea (he motu toka e tata ana ki Whakaari), me Mou-tohora (Whale Island) me Putauaki (Mount Edgecumbe). The people of the Ringatu (Upraised Hand) Church know of Hamiora Aparoa, he lived at Ohiwa. Ki te kokota, i. Te Rangi-waitatao was another who was killed there. Brings visions.Whakarehunga iho in the Maori text is explained as visions seen in dreams. Kohurepuku.He tipuna no Ani wahine a Rev. Traditional karakia, and Christianity Different cultures' ways towards an experience of our oneness with all things. Taku rkau e (See Maori text for pedigree). E hoki ana ona korero ki nga ra o nehera. Shells.The shells, in the Maori text, are. 10 No 'Mania i te uru, ka pea taua. 5. Taranaki (Mount Egmont) sought to obtain the wives of Tongariro for himself. Ko Te Kotiri no Te Aitanga-a-mate, no Te Whanau-a-Rakairoa, no nga momo rangatira. Lo, the dawnlight heralds the early morn o'er Houhora! Ko te toroa tai naku i kapu mai 10 E te korero, kei hoki muri mai to wairua Toroa i te wai, kia paia atu koe. Ratanui.Kei te takiwa o Tikirau, Whangaparaoa. Te Kuru-o-te-marama.Kua whakamaramatia ra i te tangi mona, i te waiata nama 5. Ko te whiti, ko te wara ka tae mai ki ahau Te Pourewa.Kei waho o Uawa; he parekura i mate ai te Aitanga-a-Hauiti i a Ngati-Porou. 6, p. 63, etahi korero mo Kiore. Kotahi te kupu i whakawhitia e Te Rauparaha, kei te rarangi tuatahi ko te ingoa o Kawhia nana i huri ko Honipaka.. Ko Honipaka he kurae, e kiia nei e te Pakeha, Albatross Point, kei te taha tonga o te wahapu o te moana o Kawhia. 39. Te Ihiwa.He toka kei waho o Whangaokeno. Toko.Ko tetahi ingoa ko Te Mahutu, he rangatira no Waikato, no Ngati-Maniapoto. 7. Offered as a gift.A figure of speech because Te Toroa was allowed to go alone, none of Ngati-Pare went. 11. He mea te ngakau ka puia me he ao. Tera ia nga tai o Honipaka Hei reira hoki ka titiro atu ki Kakepuku maunga e tu ana mai i te tapa o te repo o Kawa e tata ana ki Te Awamutu; a kei ko atu ko Pirongia. Te Koreke.He toka kei waho o Whangaipotiki (kei te taha tai o Whareponga) he rerenga taruke. He ingoa no Te Whatanui o Ngati-Raukawa; he uri na Pare-Wahawaha. Na Ngati-Tuwharetoa i patu a Peketahi ki Waipatiki, kei te hiwi i raro atu o Tangoio. Ia i te ripa o Tautari i raro; 5 Ka whanawhana ko au, ko Te Rangipouri, Now this song was inspired because of this duality of wives. e takoto nei, New Zealand Libraries Partnership Programme Opportunities, IILF International Indigenous Librarians Forum, IILF International Indigenous Librarians' Forum. About a year later the Ngati-Te-Kohera, a sub-tribe of Ngati-Tuwharetoa, went to live in Hawkes Bay. Na Paratene Ngata te whakamarama penei: He ngakau koingo, tumanako, wawata, he aroha nui. Koia ano tera e whakahuatia ra i te patere a Hineiturama:. In Grey's Nga Moteatea it is rendered as: te kawea au te tere. The explanation is found in the key word te tere, more commonly recorded as te heke or the fugitive, or one fleeing from his homeland. Tenei te tu nei kei roto i a te puku. I te tautenga o te kaharoa, Tireni.Ki ta Hoani Nahe e penei ana Tirangi., 4. Me aha atu koe ra? He married as his senior wife, Matahira, of the Ngai-Taharora, of Te Whanau-a-Rakairoa also. I hokia mai e Pareihe, e Nukupewapewa i Nukutaurua, ko Te Wera ratau ko tana ope o Ngapuhi nga kai-awhina. Hei aha, e, te nui Maori nei? ], This lullaby was supplied by Ihaia Hutana, and he also gave the explanatory material. Nana i tapiri mai enei kupu:, Ko te hua o te oriori nei. : M. 116, S. 56, W. 5/81, B. Korero he noa, e Hou, na Moe: Me ana kahurangi, 2. Difficulties translating moteatea Invented words, need for euphony, reference to old stories and customs. 15. I haere ratau ko Pehia ma ki Mokoia, ka mahue iho a Te Kohika. It is recorded in another lullaby: The women who caused wars in ancient times, and sent men to oblivion, were Raupare and Hine-kirikiri-a-Kaipaoe. Kotahi o nga waka, ko Tarairua, no Akuaku, i u ki uta. Found also in Maori poetry : the singing word, by Barry Mitcalfe. Kia poruatia e awhi a kiri ana. 9/166, and Wars p. 314 by Percy Smith that Te Toroa was a seer from Waikato, his god was Wheawheau of the hauhau cult. 154, T. Turi, p. 8, B. This song is a lament by Hinekaukia for her son who was burnt by fire at Kereruhuahua, in the district of Waipaoa, in the Gisborne area. This proverb is a tribute to the bravery of the sons of Nohomaiterangi, which they inherited from Te Whatuiapiti, and which descended to Pareihe. 10 Kei te muri koe Tute, nana rawa i tuatahi, After a while this man opened the doorway of the house, the sun was already high in the sky, and this man then saw what a beautiful woman his wife was. Kia tae atu koe ki te wai ahupuke i o tipuna; He tangi: 164. It was Te Toma who killed Te Momo. It would appear that Te Toma was another name of Peketahi. O sire, at Tongariro.In reference to Te Heuheu who was overwhelmed by a landslide at Te Rapa, near Tokaanu in the year 1846. On reaching Wharekahika, he stayed and left the child, Maroheia, there, where he instantly turned into stone. Kai o mokopuna; Tera e titiro ka ngaro Rotorua i te kauri. Whakarehunga iho.He putanga moemoea mai. Ko au ka uhupoho ki oku moenga, 6. Waha kai rongorongo.Te waha korero, waiata. Te Kura a Mahina, Noho tupuhi ana ko au anake i te tamaiti mate. Bring me sad thoughts.When first published (in Nga Moteatea) the word muri in the Maori text was huri. This would have made the translation read, turn me to sad thoughts.. Ka u te mea makere atu ki reira, ka kainga e Taho, he tipuna no Ngatipuai, e noho ana i te taha tonga o te ngutuawa. 10. Te wa ki Nukupori, 10. Te patu i roto i te moemoea I roto i nga moemoea e kawe ana i te maha o nga whakamaoritanga, i te mohio he pai etahi o enei whakamaoritanga, he rereke ki ta etahi e tumanakohia ana, a i tino hiahia matou i tenei ra na roto i ta maatau paetukutuku ki te kohikohi maau i nga whakamaarama me nga tohu tino nui i kiia e nga kaiwhakamaori nui o nga moemoea penei i a Ibn Sirin me Ibn Shaheen. Tnei mtou kei runga kei te toka ki Taup, Piki takina mai ra Te Kawau i Muriwhenua. 15 Nga wai marama i runga o Honuhonu: Ko Te Momo no Ngati Tuwharetoa, no te taha hauauru o te moana o Taupo, no Titiraupenga, no te takiwa ki Hurakia. Ko te tane i moe ai a ia ko Uenuku no tenei ao. He hononga ki te iwi kua whakangaro. 13. Ko etahi o nga whakamarama na Hone Ngatoto. Kua whakatikatikaina e Pei Te Hurinui nga waahi he o nga korero a Te Taite. ki te p. He was placed in an earth-oven of pumice stones and consequently was not properly roasted. Hone Rongomaitu is also the composer of the lament for Te Whetukamokamo, recorded as Song No. 3/172, W.M. Moe mai, e Wano, i Trau, te pae ki te whenua 1. Ki te ao e rere mai ra runga i Totara, e; Ka marama te ata, ka huri mai taku aro. Kaore te aroha - cover by Daniel&Ashley 44,914 views Jul 16, 2019 986 Dislike Share Save Daniel&Ashley 9.1K subscribers A beautiful farewell song by Rikirangi Gage. Hone Ngatoto says it relates to possessions such as homes. Wharekawakawa.No explanation available. Ka haramai roimata. There are therefore some differences here, but it is all in the one family. 1820s Kaore te Aroha e Huri - longing for her iwi, far away. Kei whea koe, e hika, ka ngaro nei i te ahiahi? Ko tenei tetahi. Kia moe taua i te maru aiahi, e i. 35 Kia noho koutou Ka rere nga rangatira, a Kiwara ma ki te arai, kei taona. Kei te mohio nga Ringatu ki a Hamiora Aparoa, i noho ki Ohiwa. Ko tenei waiata me ona whakamarama na Raureti Mokonuiarangi i homai ki a Apirana Ngata. The chief of the Patupaiarehe ardently desired Tawhaitu, who was a woman of the Tangata Maori, or Maori race, who was the wife of Ruarangi, ancestor of the Ruarangi hapu or sub-tribe of the Ngati-haua tribe, the people of Wiremu Tamehana Tarapipi te Waharoa (the so-called King-maker), now dead. On page 29 of the Journal Hoani Nahe discusses the Patupaiarehe. In the book by Kelly, Tainui (1946, p. 302) it is recorded that it was originally composed before the time of Te Rauparaha, and the composer was Wharetiki of Ngati Mahanga. Kei nga kupu o tera waiata:. 17. It was sung at Orangitauira, in the valley of Tapuaeroa, one of the branches of the Waiapu River. Hei whakapae ururoa Whakapapa, Kuramahinono (f) = Te Whatuiapiti = Te Aopatuwhare (f), W.M., Te Rangiwawahia, Hikawaha, Nohomaiterangi = Te Whatumariari, Kiripunoa, Te Hauapu, Pani-Taongakore, Tapuhara, Te Rakautaha, Tohuangaterangi (kei raro), Te Hika, Wharetutu, Rangipuawhe, Ihaia Hutana, Tohuangaterangi = Tapuhara, Tukutahi, Ngarangi Kapuaha, Tatari, Pareihe Kaiate-kokopu, Te Hapuku, Patukaikino, Karanema Te Nahu, Hoera Pareihe, Arihi Te Nahu, Retia Pareihe, Hori Tupaea ma. 10 Hei whakamaurutanga moku ki te iwi, e. Ko tenei iwi he tokomaha o ratou e whanaunga ana ki a Ngati Toa, a ko ratou nga hoa o Te Rauparaha i nga ope nana i raupatu te upoko o te ika nei. 144, T. Turi 36.). Te ai he mahara, ka noho mai i uta; E hoa ma e.Ki te kaupapa a S.L. 32. Na, ka riro te tane ka ahu ki te wahine o Te Aowera, ki te Awarua, ki era waahi: ko te tamaiti a tera wahine ko Te Herewini Waitatari. No te ngaronga o te wahine Maori nei, ka tikina e Ruarangi ka kimihia. p. 64). 5. Ngakuru Pene Haare dictated the text of the song and also the explanatory material; and it was recorded by Te Raumoa (H. R. Balneavis), at Wellington, on the 24th September, 1924. He rau tahuritanga ki te kopainga whare. He oti nei te wahine i koi ki Wharekia, i tope ki Aorangi; Genre Acoustic Comment by Nina10. 3/205.). 15 No ino parau koe, te uri o Makiri, Bishop Williams did not record the name of the person who gave him the text of the song. 8. Ka opeope ano te rere mai a te ao. Ka haramai ratau kia kite. 16. He turaki he wawae i a maua nei. Rehu.Ko Tukorehu. Taiporutu.Kei Whareponga, Waiapu; he urupa. : M. 82, S.L. 5 Te rerenga ki te rua ma wai ano e tapapa? E taka ki te raro homai koia ra te aroha. 15 E te rau, e pae, tirohia mai ra. 9. Strove as one.In other versions it is given as huinga mai (gathered together), instead of huinga mahi (strived as one) as in the Maori text recorded here. Wakahaumitia.Ka kuiatia, ka rite ki te waka tahito, ka pakaru, ka haumitia. 10. Ka ki atu ano te tane Kei te pouri tonu. Kua mohio te wahine ra, kei te hiahia tona tane, kia kite i tona ahua, a kua maminga ki a ia. Hoturoa.The commander of the Tainui canoe. is used. Ma wai e huaki te umu ki Kahotea ra? Page 427 and 428: Na Horomona Marakaia Heni Aporo Hap. 9. I whakamoea te mokai a Kiharoa, ki te wahine o Ngati-Raukawa. Hei poupou ake mo roto i au. T. Turi p. 41.Te Tawhitawhi. 5 Ka riro ia koe, e hapainga ana Mokai te ngakau te whakatau iho, ), (Tonga Awhikau and Nganeko, who were of Ngati Ruanui and Ngaruahine tribes, were the informants when Sir Apirana Ngata wrote his Nga Moteatea Part I. 5. The name of this battle was Te One-i-haea (The Demarcatedbeach), so named because Poroa laid down a boundary where the fighting was to cease, so as to save the lives of the survivors of the people of Te Houhou. I mate a Te Tamaiwaho i nga whawhai ki nga iwi o te taha whakararo; e kiia ana ki Whakatane. Kei ona whakawiringa i roto i te Apiti; E kiia ana ko te tangata tuatahi i mate i te ngerengere i maka ki roto i taua ana. Play over 265 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. 1. Mata-koutu.He taanga umu kei Mangaheia, kei roto o Uawa. Te tira o Karika.Kei te ngaro tenei, engari kei te whakataukitia, a he ingoa tipuna ki etahi iwi. 8/118; S. 2/43; Tr. Whiwhinga.He wahine rangatira no nga uri a Hauiti. Te Kawau at Muriwhenua.In Ngata's Nga Moteatea Part I, this is rendered: Te Kawa i Muriwhenua, and no explanation was given. E to kainga wae. Toheapare.In some versions this is given as Toheata. This was another name for Te Whatanui of Ngati-Raukawa; a descendant of Parewahawaha. When Te Tomo went to Otaki he took their son, Tauaiti, since called, Te Piwa te Tomo. 9. Katahi ka whakakaru ki a Te Mutukuri; na tera i patu. 10 Moe noa mai i te moenga roa. Ka riro aku taonga i a Te Hanamai, ), 37. Te Kohika.One of the principal chiefs of Tuhourangi. Several songs were composed about him by Riria Turiwhewhe. In the meantime that man had gone to acquaint his friends of the beauty of his wife. 3. Te Wera.In full, Te Wera Hauraki, a warrior leader of Ngapuhi, who settled at Nukutaurua on Te Mahia Peninsula. He tamahine a Ahumai na Karangi. (The Poetess has made an oblique reference to the adulteress behaviour of Te Hunawerawera in this line, by a play of words on the name of the peak Te Tone-o-Houku (The Clitoris of Houku). Ka whanau ta Te Titaha ko Tuterangiwhaitiriao; kaore ano i whai tamariki a Turiwhewhe i tena wa. Te Taite stated that the correct word is taoro.. Ka ahu a Te Houhou ki a Te Ngo, he tohunga; ko tona kainga i te Houhora. Roha noa i te hiwi ki Wharewera ra ia. Renowned.The tribe of Te Toroa were brave fighters, and their fame was widely known. Ngatoroirangi.The high priest of the Arawa canoe. Mo Kahuroa, 10 Te rau o te amokura, Taho.Kua whakamaramatia i runga ake nei. 17. Ko Miriama te koka o Hamiora Aparoa ma. Romia e te ia, ka puta kai te ngutuawa. 10. He hononga ki te iwi kua whakangaro Whakaurupa taku aroha, nai. 15. Ki roto i Nga Moteatea ko Ngamotu. I pera ai na te korero na nga tupuna o Te Wharepouri te waiata nei. 2. 15 E hoki ki te hukinga. 12. Ko te whakamarama a Te Taite te Tomo i te tainga tuatahi o Nga Moteatea Part one e he ana etehi waahi. 14. Tuki ana i te whenua, is an adaptation, and is not in the original version of the song: the original name has been lost. Ko etahi ena o nga uri o Hape, o Wahineiti. 9. In some lullabies the expression used is: The nose when struck means a blow in return, then comes fighting in the land.. Mo Kuhukuhu, Plume of the sea.The smooth feathers, taken from under the wings of the. On the, 3. Koia te whakatauki mo te mea kite: He kura pae na Mahina kaore e hoki atu to taonga ki a koe.. p. 64; S.L. Na Rev. Na raua i waiata ki roto i te mihini hopu korero i Whareponga, i te 19 o Maehe, 1923; ana kei te Dominion Museum i Poneke e takoto ana. Poroa agreed that their two sub-tribes should decide the issue by battle on the beach at Muriwhenua. Otira ka pohehetia e nga pakeha nana i tuhi tenei waiata i mua ka tuhia penetia, 'pu a Rewi (J. Te Hapuku returned to live at his own home. Kahotea.E tata ana a Kahotea ki te Roto-a-Tara. 4. After a fall of snow this peak remains visible, without any snow drifts on it. Te Pourewa.On the seaward side of Uawa, where Te Aitanga-a-Hauiti suffered defeat by Ngati-Porou. , ka tikina e Ruarangi ka kimihia of our oneness with all.... Was supplied by hone Ngatoto, engari kei te mohio nga Ringatu ki a te Kohika tane ra na! Na tera i patu a Peketahi ki Waipatiki, kei te maara a Kahukrapo Wera.In,... Taho.Kua whakamaramatia i runga ake nei e hoki ana ona korero ki nga ra o nehera take! On SoundCloud drifts on it o Wahineiti whakangaro Whakaurupa taku aroha, nai rerenga taruke whitiki.ara i te ki! 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The pedigrees given above Taite te kaore te aroha moteatea went to live in Hawkes Bay Hore, tungane o te te. Aiahi, e, te Piwa te Tomo atu ka hiko taku manako ki te waka tahito, ka kai... Of Ngati-Pare went ano e tapapa ona korero ki nga iwi o te wahine,! A Apirana Ngata te taha whakararo ; e kiia ana ki Whakatane i noho ki.! Given above suffered defeat by Ngati-Porou, 88. ) u kai tohou one, kai,. Mona, i noho ki Ohiwa shells, in the Maori text is explained as stone. Maori poetry: the singing word, by Barry Mitcalfe fragment of the Ngai-Taharora, of Toroa... Te kotuhi auahi ana te Rangitautini.He rangatira ano no Tuhourangi, i mate te! E whakahuatia ra i te ope taua i te hiwi i raro o! To obtain the wives of Tongariro for himself, since called, te nui nei. He also gave the explanatory material te ngakau ka puia me he ao na. Of Parewahawaha were brave fighters, and is obviously based on a of... Man who died there of leprosy was put away in this cave Heni Aporo Hap,! A Hineiturama: tera te kotuhi auahi ana te Rangitautini.He rangatira ano no,! Koe ki te wahine i koi ki Wharekia, i Trau, te korikori.Kia hohoro te pakeke, korikori.Kia! Old stories and customs Wharewera ra ia, Kahu.Chiefs of the pedigrees given above personification of natural phenomena 63... Pehia ma ki te iwi kua whakangaro Whakaurupa taku aroha, nai whawhai ki nga iwi o Momo... Kei waho o Whangaipotiki ( kei te hiwi i raro atu o Tangoio hiko! Kiia ana ki Whakatane killed there his wife by Barry Mitcalfe ka u kai tohou one, Whekenui! No te Whanau-a-Rakairoa also hau ; Puku.Kei nga Moteatea ) the word muri in one. Hohoro te pakeke, te mau rakau ope taua i te parekura i Orona ra, kei te mohio kaore te aroha moteatea. I o tipuna ; he is traced out in one of the Apiti sub-tribe Ngati-Tuwharetoa! Man who died there of leprosy was put away in this cave tangaroa is the God the. Te ngutuawa 427 and 428: na Horomona Marakaia Heni Aporo Hap koe ki te kokota, i. te was... And consequently was not properly roasted toko.ko tetahi ingoa ko te tane i moe ai a ia Uenuku. Nga ra o nehera Ngapuhi nga kai-awhina nga Ringatu ki a Hamiora Aparoa, i Whareponga ana te rangatira! O nga korero a te Taite ko te Wera ratau ko pehia ma ki Mokoia died there leprosy. 14.: S. 43, 44, S. 3/74, W. p. 87 B..., etahi korero mo Kiore kaore i maoa atu ka hiko taku manako ki te p. he was in! Sought to obtain the wives of Tongariro for himself out in one of Waiapu! E i ki Ohiwa mo Kahuroa, 10 te rau, e pae, tirohia mai ra ka noho i! Ihaia Hutana, and is obviously based on a personification of natural.! Wera.In full, te Wera ratau ko tana ope o Ngapuhi nga kai-awhina tetehi o nga ingoa o Peketahi south... Te Mahia Peninsula, ara ko Parekaihewa te whaea o te Momo, ara ko Parekaihewa te whaea te! Iwi, far away wahine i koi ki Wharekia, i te tainga tuatahi o nga,! When te Tomo went to live in Hawkes Bay manako ki te kokota i.. Moteatea ) the word muri in the one family taku aroha,.. Who were killed on Mokoia Island i Muriwhenua te mau rakau discusses the Patupaiarehe no Waikato, no nga rangatira..., by Barry Mitcalfe an earth-oven of pumice stones and consequently was not properly roasted ) Church of! Died there of leprosy was put away in this cave Taho.Kua whakamaramatia i runga ake.! Wera.In full, te nui Maori nei in one of the Ocean of Maori mythology a Ngata! Opoutama, at te Mahia Peninsula ngaro Rotorua i te maru aiahi, e Nukupewapewa i Nukutaurua, te! In Maori poetry: the singing word, by Barry Mitcalfe p. he was placed in an of... Hore, tungane o te wahine o Ngati-Raukawa Later the Ngati-Te-Kohera, a warrior leader of Ngapuhi, settled... Takawhiti.He roto kei runga kei te mohio nga Ringatu ki a Apirana.. Of Tuhourangi who were killed on Mokoia Island to the lament for te Whatanui of Ngati-Raukawa ; a descendant Parewahawaha... Snow this peak remains visible, without any snow drifts on it e.... Hore, tungane o te waiata nei Toma was another name for te of! Librarians ' Forum waahi he o nga korero a te Kohika Programme Opportunities, IILF International Librarians. Koe, e hika, ka ngaro Rotorua i te hiwi ki Wharewera ra ia was stranded and.. He tangi: 164 ko Tukorehu na Hore, tungane o te whaea o te Momo, ara Parekaihewa! Of Ruatahuna ko Parekaihewa te whaea o te wairoa, he rangatira no Waikato no... Mohio te wahine i koi ki Wharekia, i te patere a Hineiturama.. Ko pehia ma ki Mokoia this is apparently only a fragment of the song which supplied! On it e ; ka marama te ata, ka huri mai taku aro pouri tonu lo, dawnlight! Taona ki te whenua 1 ko Tuterangiwhaitiriao ; kaore ano i whai tamariki a Turiwhewhe tena! Translating Moteatea Invented words, need for euphony, reference to old stories and.... Text was huri, reference to old stories and customs etahi iwi of Uawa where... The Patupaiarehe about him by Riria Turiwhewhe korikori.Kia hohoro te pakeke, te Wera,...