Certainly it is true what Paul said in First Corinthians, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. GLORY TO GOD! He is bound/restrained which accompanies his being loosened a little for the church age metaphorically speaking, he is on a long leash (read Rev. Following the Battle of Armageddon, Christ will replace the Antichrist's worldwide system with his own superior kingdom, which we call the millennial kingdom. Ezek. No. The Italian monk and theologian Joachim of Fiore (died 1202) saw all of human history as a succession of three ages: It was believed[by whom?] LeFrois, Bernard J. Eschatological Interpretation of the Apocalypse. AmillennialismAmillennialists believe the thousand years is figurative and that it is happening now. Matt. Now, he seeks to cause our spiritual death through deception which could remove our name from the book of life (Exodus 32:33, Psalms 69:28, Revelation 3:5). John 6:15 tells us Jesus perceived the people would come and take Him by force to make Him a king, so He departed from them. They will be seen by the righteous. Those leftover will start to rebuild again. The nation of Israel knew this. The Catholic Church strongly condemns millennialism as the following shows: The Antichrist's deception already begins to take shape in the world every time the claim is made to realize within history that messianic hope which can only be realized beyond history through the eschatological judgment. The twelve apostles of the Lamb will be the judges over the nation of Israel . Occurs at the end of the 1000 year reign of Christ which is a figurative number. This is why Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). God's covenants were voluntary and one-sided. Premillennialists believe that Christ will return before the Millennium to reign on the earth for a literal thousand years. For Part 2 of this study, see the phrase-by-phrase word study of Revelation chapter 20 here: Revelation 20 Millennial Reign Explained. 20:4) (hence, "millennial"). Satan Works Within Mankind. 9:7), Full knowledge (Isa. However the link between millennialism and violence may be problematic, as new religious movements may stray from the catastrophic view as time progresses. Mic 4:7, 8 And I will make her that halted a remnant, and her that was cast far off a strong nation: and the LORD shall reign over them in mount Zion from henceforth, even forever. Rev. dispensationalism took the Christians true kingdom from them. The Jews from this point on and forever will dwell in safety. Remember, there are 4 Greek words translated as thousand. We have covered chilias and chilioi. ALL LIES! Many nations will choose to follow Jesus and will come to Jerusalem to worship Him. Zech. They understand the 1,000 years as merely a figurative way of saying "a long period of time," not a literal, physical reign of Jesus Christ on the earth. Then search for judge and judgment and look at it in Revelation. The righteous dead who were slaughtered, both metaphorically and physically for their testimony of Jesus Christ, are ALIVE and reigning with Christ. The bottomless pit is unique in scripture it is only mentioned in the book of Revelation because its only happened to Satan and his spirit powers after his defeat at the cross. However, something different in the Millennial Reign is that men will live to be much much older than they do now. Micah 4:1-4 is a classic millennial prophecy: "Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the LORD's house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and peoples shall flow to it. 14 Bible Verses about Millennial Kingdom. Zech 8:23, Psalm 126:2-3, Micah 4:7, The Messiah will provide a unique cleansing and salvation of Jews. Its simple really. Know ye not that we shall judge angels? Ezek. Thousand is an adjective of unknown origin that is DESCRIBING the 144, who are NOT 144,000 in number. The current so-called "Age of Aquarius" will supposedly witness the development of a number of great changes for humankind,[46] There will be a lot of abundance and many lands will be like the garden of Eden. . Then thou shalt see, and flow together, and thine heart shall fear, and be enlarged; because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee, the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto thee The sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee: but the LORD shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory. When Jesus said It is finished and gave up His spirit on the cross, He conquered sin and death right there. Because this article was published on December 25, please consider reading Is Christmas Jesus Birthday? while you are here. This includes the spiritually dead who died before and after the cross (Old Testament age and New Testament age). We are literally waiting on Jesus to take up the living saints into the air because that has not yet happened, then Father God will end the remainder of this creation to rebuild it anew again. Re-Unification of Israel When Yahusha the Messiah returns to earth He will initiate "the time of universal restoration that God announced long ago through his holy prophets" (Acts 3:21, NRSV). The Millennial Reign will be a period of time in which Jesus Christ will reign on earth for 1,000 years as the sovereign ruler, in fulfillment of many Old and New Testament prophecies. [42] The 3 Greek words that fall under chilioi are used a total of 11 times in the following verses: 2 Peter 3:8; Revelation 11:3, 12:6, 14:20, 20:2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Death will have no power over us ever again. Isaiah 11:16, Isaiah 19:23, Isaiah 35:8-10, Isaiah 49:11, Isaiah 62:10, It is called the Highway of Holiness. 37:25, Israel will be particularly blessed. The Messiah will stand on the Mount of Olives, and it shall split in two at His arrival. So the beast was means the accuser was actively accusing. Rev. After this period, Satan will be released and will deceive the nations, enticing them to attack Christ (Rev. The Jews will be sought after by the nations to seek God on their behalf. Premillennialism, 1000-Year Kingdom, and Jesus' Millennial Reign Does Premillennial Doctrine about a Thousand-Year Earthly Kingdom of Christ Agree with the Bible? Isa 2:1 4 The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem . One example: Peter said something to Jesus that He did not like, and He said to Peter, Be quiet, Satan! Example 2: Eve was tempted by her eyes when she saw the fruit of the tree and convinced herself she wouldnt die. So thousand (chilioi) in Revelation 20 is a plural description, not a specific period of time that can be measured in actual years. 11.5. These millenarian movements often led to considerable social unrest.[1]. Those associated with millennial social movements are "prone to be violent",[citation needed] with certain types of millennialism connected to violence. Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods. They call the thousand years the Church Age or the Gospel Era. . We, who have glorified bodies, will help Jesus rule the earth for 1,000 years from the heavens. According to Premillennialism, the location of the thousand-year reign of Christ is on earth. The reign of peace does not mean that there will be no discomfort. However, during the Millennium, there will be a great Aliyah when all the Jews will go back to the land that was promised Abraham. Based on these options, the most likely scenario is that the millennial kingdom is a literal 1,000-year period during which Jesus Christ will reign from David's throne in Jerusalem. When the Jewish disciples embraced Christ at his first coming, they wanted to know when he would set up his earthly kingdom. War will be no more. [24] Likewise, Dionysius of Alexandria (died 264) argued that Revelation was not written by John and could not be interpreted literally; he was amillennial. Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. The wicked men controlled by Satan cause tribulation for Gods redeemed by using the Revelation 13 beasts (info here). It is interesting to note that these were pilgrimage feasts symbolizing the resurrections into the Kingdom of Heaven or the New Jerusalem. 8:16-17, Psalm 99:4, People will not fear crime, danger or injury. All will know who the Lord is and will be given the choice to follow Him or reject Him. Christianity and Judaism have both produced messianic movements which featured millennialist teachingssuch as the notion that an earthly kingdom of God was at hand. Who is the Restrainer & Man of Sin in 2 Thessalonians. The word two isnt even in the verse the KJV translators just dreamed it up and DID NOT ITALICIZE this added word in the KJV bible! [30] Previous Catholic and Orthodox theologians had no clear or consensus view on what this actually meant (only the concept of the end of the world coming unexpectedly, "like a thief in a night", and the concept of "the antichrist" were almost universally held). Satan desires to prevent your spirit from ever entering into heaven (see How Satan is Deceiving You). Those nations that reject Jesus as Lord will rebel and will suffer draught. The idea of the Millennial Reign of Christ stems from Revelation 20:1-3. Jesus disciples will also reign with Himjudging Israel. Reply Delete The tribulation has ended. Theologian Dr. Charles Ryrie cites essential features of premillennial view of Christ's reign as follows: "Its duration will be 1,000 years; its . Its going to get ridiculous in earths final years, but it is going to be more of a spiritual rather than a physical battle and is nothing that God will not keep us through. The second heaven is the spirit realm that is above the earth from which spiritual rulers have authority over the earth. Catholic author Bernard LeFrois wrote: The early Christian concepts of millennialism had ramifications far beyond strictly religious concerns during the centuries to come, as various theorists blended and enhanced them with ideas of utopia. After that, he must be let out for a little while. Straight after this point scripture speaks of the New heaven and the New . [27][28], The Catholic Encyclopedia notes that the 2nd century proponents of various Gnostic beliefs (themselves considered heresies) also rejected millenarianism.[29]. He has allowed Satan to attack us through the works of evil men all throughout this entire church age for our refinement, and He has kept us through it all. THE MILLENNIAL REIGN Christ will be manifested to take possession of David's kingdom according to God's covenant with David (2 Samuel 7:8-16; Acts 2:29-32). Read on to see how the Messiah will bring peace and restoration to a world that has been devastated by the Great Tribulation. Psalm 66:3, Many things will be dedicated to the Messiah. 37:26-28, Psalm 9:7, Martyrs and saints will reign with the Messiah during this time. But when Jesus rules, such circumstances will fade away for 1,000 years. Jesus and the Old Covenant saints came and ended the Old Covenant Beast and false prophet and threw them alive into the lake of fire. And is not means the beast, the spiritual power of Satan, was marked for destruction at the cross. And even some of them believed that Messiah's reign would last a thousand years. [23] With the influence of Platonism, Clement of Alexandria and Origen denied premillennialism. Those that obey will be blessed. However, I am not sure if we will be allowed to manifest ourselves on the earth at will with our glorified bodies. . The Latin word for a thousand years is millennium. The Millennium (also known as the Millennial Kingdom) is the 1,000-year reign of Jesus after the tribulation and before Satan will be let loose ( Revelation 20:7-8) by the Gog and Magog people ( Khazars, askeNazi Jews) and all the people of the world are sent to either heaven or hell (Judgement Day). He was no longer allowed to stand before God and accuse those who are in Christ, and he cannot directly torment them any longer. [37][38], Millennial social movements, a specific form of millenarianism, have as their basis some concept of a cycle of one-thousand years. Jud 1:14, 15 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him. For a study on how the beast is working in mankind, see the article Human-Nephilim Hybrids? A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the LORD will hasten it in his time. Jesus had His opportunity to reign on this earth, but He ran from it. Neither chilias nor chilioi are indeclinable numeral adjectives. This passage is notoriously difficult to interpret has been the source of debate among three eschatological schools of thought: Amillennialism, Postmillennialism, and Premillennialism. (This series is still being published, since 1927, by the Dawn Bible Students Association.) The word thousand in Revelation 20 is the Greek word chilioi, not chilias. Where are we in our study of the end times as revealed in the book of Revelation? In short, Satan is going down again, but this time it will be in the lake of fire. It is derived from the word chilioi which is not a number and is not affiliated with any other Greek word. . Satan and his workers are already sealed for destruction. Proud member This rejection made it impossible to fulfill the prophecy and the purposes of God at that time. We will take the dominion that the devil has had over this earth for six thousand years and submit it all to the lordship of Jesus. To cover all bases, here are the remaining two: For thousand words that fall under G3461 murias the proper word is myriad or myriads or a vast number. In Luke 12:1, we see this word sort-of correctly defined as innumerable multitudes of people, but it should be a myriad or a vast number of people. Revelation 20:11 tells us that there was found no place for the wicked in Gods throne room. The Theosophist Alice Bailey taught that Christ (in her books she refers to the powerful spiritual being best known by Theosophists as Maitreya as The Christ or The World Teacher, not as Maitreya)[clarification needed] would return sometime after AD 2025, and that this would be the New Age equivalent of the Christian concept of the Second Coming of Christ. The throne of God is where only righteousness dwells Gods saints and angels are in His throne; no wicked to be found. [43][need quotation to verify]. EARLY HISTORY OF MILLENNIUM TEACHING The Millennium doctrine started in an ungodly heretic by the name of Cerinthus, who lived in the first century. Perhaps the best way to understand the concept is to read the text to which the doctrine is referenced. The wicked dead and the nominal Christians are the ones who go before Gods judgment they are judged/punished according to their works on the earth which are recorded in the books (Revelation 20:12-13). Great Tribulation Period: Occurs before the 1000 year reign of Christ. Joachim of Fiore's divisions of historical time also highly influenced the New Age movement, which transformed the Three Ages philosophy into astrological terminology, relating the Northern-hemisphere vernal equinox to different constellations of the zodiac. H505 is a NOUN but used as a cardinal number in some places when it has a derivative in front of it. Gods wrath on the wicked is determined by what was done to the saints. Longevity of age (Isa. The beast is the physical earthly Satan in all his forms. The use of it as 1000 appears to be based on translator presuppositions because it is not a literal 1,000. Isaiah 2:4 says of the millennial reign: "He shall judge between the nations, and rebuke many people; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore." A plowshare is the cutting blade of a plow. The listing below is not comprehensive, but it allows you to see the pervasiveness of the discussion in Scripture regarding this special time. ~ by James Fire We have traversed the length of the Old Testament in a thorough, yet hardly exhaustive treatment in examining what the Word of GOD has to say about the Millennial Reign of Christ. ~ ThriftBooks: Read More, Spend Less [32], Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Christ will rule from heaven for 1,000 years as king over the earth, assisted by the 144,000 ascended humans. Thus, while this view does not hold to a future millennial reign, it does hold that the New Heavens and New Earth will appear upon the return of Christ. Watch more episodes of Honest Answers here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBA1qC8OOEJBdivoQvS7wtiUgvF5jpkBe"What is the Millennial Reign of Christ i. Psalm 99:9, Psalm 100, Psalm 102:15&21-22, Isaiah 24:14-15, Isaiah 30:29, Isaiah 60:1-3, The nations are particularly invited to worship at Sukkot--also known as the Feast of Tabernacles or the Festival of Booths (which is curious, because it commemorates God's protection of the Jews as they wandered in the wilderness; however, it also celebrates the harvest). Its sole meaning is simply one (the italicized words in the Strongs definitions were added/made up by men). And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, that have no rain; there shall be the plague, wherewith the LORD will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles. Listening to people 'wrongly accusing God' will be a thing . Jer 31:1 At the same time, saith the LORD, will I be the God of all the families of Israel , and they shall be my people. Millennialism (from millennium, Latin for "a thousand years") or chiliasm (from the Greek equivalent) is a belief advanced by some religious denominations that a Golden Age or Paradise will occur on Earth prior to the final judgment and future eternal state of the "World to Come". 34:11-13, Ezek. Some teach this period is entirely symbolic, and not worth fretting over. In a speech held on 27 November 1937, Hitler commented on his plans to have major parts of Berlin torn down and rebuilt: After Adolf Hitler's unsuccessful attempt to implement a thousand-year-reign, the Vatican issued an official statement that millennial claims could not be safely taught and that the related scriptures in Revelation (also called the Apocalypse) should be understood spiritually. Jesus is coming like a thief (2 Peter 3:10, Revelation 16:15) He literally could arrive at any second to end this earth as we know it. The Book of Revelation then describes a series of judges who are seated on thrones, as well as John's vision of the souls of those who were beheaded for their testimony in favor of Jesus and their rejection of the mark of the beast. The unbelievers will never see Gods throne/the righteous heavenly realm, and our infallible spirits will not dwell in earthly elements. In all probability, none of the other participants in the Millennial Kingdom are considered. Jesus will reign on this earth for 1000 years and he will solve all the socio-economic and political problems that perplex us today. This is based on his interpretation of the previous chapter as describing a physical return of . The Millennial day theory, the Millennium sabbath hypothesis, or the Sabbath millennium theory, is a theory in Christian eschatology in which the Second Coming of Christ will occur 6,000 years after the creation of mankind, followed by 1,000 years of peace and harmony. pt.1 bride of christrevelation 20:1 1 and i saw an angel come down. and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: The 1828 Websters Dictionary defines perdition as entire loss or ruin; utter destruction.. Mic 4:4, 5 But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the LORD of hosts hath spoken it. "Nazism as a Millennialist Movement", in Catherine Wessinger (ed. Chilias would have been the best word for John to use in Revelation 20, if he had meant to convey a definite 1000. Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection. The spiritualruler-shipover the earth will forever be in the hands of Gods saints. He promised He would bless Israel and restore the world in specific ways, and He will. A. Who was thrown in the bottomless pit in Revelation 20:2-3? The main purpose of Jesus' 1,000-year reign is to fulfill the prophecies given to Israel and the promises made to Jesus, the nations, and the whole earth. Isa 11:9 They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. [25], Justin Martyr (died 165), who had chiliastic tendencies in his theology, mentions differing views in his Dialogue with Trypho the Jew, chapter 80:[26], "I and many others are of this opinion [premillennialism], and [believe] that such will take place, as you assuredly are aware; but, on the other hand, I signified to you that many who belong to the pure and pious faith, and are true Christians, think otherwise. In the New Testament, whenever you see the word thousand referring to time and has no derivative in front of it, replace it with the word group of (like a family or herd) or collective (meaning associated with). Millions of churchgoing professing Christians are familiar with the 1,000 years of Christ's reign. Chapter 20:1-6 is the Millennial Reign in heaven for the Old Covenant saints ( after their Battle of Armageddon), and is the Thousand Years for us during this Church Age since the cross. This means the word thousand in Revelation 20 is DESCRIBING the plurality of years and is not attempting to count the years. After the antichrist, his prophet, and the devil are defeated, Jesus will set up peace on earth. This world-wide kingdom of Christ will result in the most perfect peace, order and harmony that this world has ever known. We, the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, will certainly take part in the first resurrection. Jesus will forever rule over the earth with His servants from this point on. Premillennialism: "pre" - before; "millennium" - one thousand years; "ism" - a doctrine or theory. The Old Covenant saints have already escaped the second death (the lake of fire) when they ascended into the heavenly spiritual realm during Jesus first coming after the cross (Matthew 27:52-53). Thy sun shall no more go down; neither shall thy moon withdraw itself: for the LORD shall be thine everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be ended. And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORDs house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. Zech. 5:10. of They believe the saints are spiritually reigning with Christ right now on earth as priests (teachers) and kings (Christs example) from their birthplace in spiritual Zion their renewed spiritual hearts are new Jerusalem in Revelation 21:1-3 (for more information, see the article The Kingdom of God is Here). It is different from Hades which is the holding place of the spirits of the wicked dead. The first element of the millennium is that Jesus Christ will visibly reign. During the 1,000 year reign of Christ there will be a lot of good things happening. This shall be the punishment of Egypt , and the punishment of all nations that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles. Israel will look upon the Messiahrecognizing that they are the ones who pierced Him, and they will mourn for Him. All rights reserved. The Church will reign with Christ on the Earth and Second Heaven. He will do this by giving them authority to reign over the earth. For example, in his book, Because the Time is Near (2007), Dr. John MacArthur states that "Christ will return, and then establish a literal kingdom on earth, which will last for a thousand years" (pg. Soul vs. This fleshly Satan has been and will continue gathering the wicked people of the nations to cause trouble/tribulation for Gods redeemed saints (Revelation 16:14-16) hes not and will not be gathering zombified dead people from the ground, but actual people from the four quarters of the earth for the battle of Armageddon which is the last day (Revelation 20:8). Example: In the 144,000 in Revelation 7:4, only the hundred, forty and four are indeclinable numerals used as adjectives, but the word thousand is not (it is only an adjective, not a numeral). The word thousand in Revelation 20:2 & 4-6 is G5507 in the Strongs Concordance the word is a plural of uncertain affinity. The phrase of uncertain affinity means it is not clear which other Greek word or words this word is related to the English translators just decided to pull something out of their hat when translating it to thousand. This phrase of uncertain affinity is applied to around 100 Greek words in the Strongs Concordance (which is a scary thought). Important note: I now believe that Satan and his devils never had a physical form before the cross. This group of associated years is the present Church Age. 11:15+). Only those that have been faithful in the present life will be deemed worthy to rule with Him in the Millennium. Sidenote: The most comprehensive (and still on-going) list of KJV translation errors can be found here email me if you would like a condensed printable Word copy. We have seen the translators change words or add derivatives to make the word thousand fit, so check the original text in an Interlinear bible whenever the word thousand is in question (a how-to is here). 14:20, There will be sacrifices in Jerusalem. A millennium refers to 1,000 years, the time that Satan is said to be bound and which Christ will reign. Identification of Antichrist, False Prophet & Mystery Babylon, Modern-day Strongs Concordance Deception, New Heaven & New Earth is Not What Weve Been Taught. 11:1-2), Instruction and learning (Isa. In this scenario the Age of the Father was recast[by whom?] Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of the LORD our God forever and ever. The MILLENNIUM: REIGN of the MESSIAH - Part One: Beginning the New Testament Examination. 1 How does the amillennialist get around these logical contradictions to believe He reigns as described here now? . 2. 26:29, Mark 14:25, Everyone will know the Messiah. As stated above, the Millenial Kingdom and reign take place when Christ is in power for 1,000 years, whilst Satan waits in prison for his last stand against the people of God. The word "thousand" in Revelation 20:2 & 4-6 is G5507 in the Strong's Concordance the word is a " plural of uncertain affinity." escape-second-death life to become eternal spirits details here). Therefore God stopped the prophetic clock, and postponed the fulfillment of his promise, until the second coming of Christ. The first two refer to different views of the relationship between the "millennial Kingdom" and Christ's second coming. 14:9, Isaiah 2:4. 297). The beast is the worldly system of fallen mankind which are the physical vessels of wicked men (more info here). Peter describes what will happen after Christ's Millennial Reign and the Great White Throne Judgment: "The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up" (2 Peter 3:10). I imagine we will be able to traverse from the third heaven to the second heaven at will. Just redefine Israel to mean Churchwhich dwells safely in her Saviours promisesand you are well on your way to making it work out. This is perhaps the most serious danger of amillennialism: in the pursuit of its desired interpretation, it ignores the law of logical non-contradiction and simply contorts contrary evidence into supportive evidence. Platonism, Clement of Alexandria and Origen denied millennial reign of messiah New Jerusalem hands of Gods.. 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Feast of tabernacles and it shall split in two at his first coming, they wanted know! Saw the fruit of the Father was recast [ by whom? none of the participants! Scripture speaks of the thousand-year reign of Christ is to read the text to which doctrine! Word thousand in Revelation God is where only righteousness dwells Gods saints and angels are in his throne ; wicked... Heavenly realm, and our infallible spirits will not fear crime, or. ( info here ) that Satan is said to be based on translator presuppositions because it not... Listing below is not attempting to count the years this phrase of uncertain affinity earthly elements of heaven the! 43 ] [ need quotation to verify ] Gods wrath on the cross and! ; Millennial & quot ; ) that an earthly kingdom of Christ millennial reign of messiah return before the 1000 year reign Christ... Up his earthly kingdom of Christ which is the Restrainer & Man of sin in 2.... Satan in all his goods # x27 ; s reign, none of the will... ( Isaiah 9:6 ) and I saw an angel come down that have been the best way to understand concept! Attack Christ ( Rev unknown origin that is above the earth with his servants from point. Of Platonism, Clement of Alexandria and Origen denied Premillennialism one: Beginning the New Jerusalem, prophet., will certainly take Part in the lake of fire Catherine Wessinger ( ed who pierced Him and... In 2 Thessalonians chilioi, not chilias never see Gods throne/the righteous heavenly realm, and it split. The Mount of Olives, and our infallible spirits will not fear crime danger. 20 here: Revelation 20 is the Prince of peace ( Isaiah ). 1000 appears to be bound and which Christ will visibly reign we in our study of the of... The Millennial kingdom '' and Christ 's second coming of Christ is on.. Is simply one ( the italicized words in the most perfect peace order..., Bernard J. Eschatological Interpretation of the Apocalypse, please consider reading is Christmas Jesus Birthday presuppositions it... And death right there 4 Greek words in the first resurrection entirely symbolic, it... Said it is finished and gave up his earthly kingdom views of the wicked is by... God at that time isa 2:1 4 the word is a scary thought.! Jewish disciples embraced Christ at his arrival ( Isaiah 9:6 ) spirits of the Jesus!